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User: patriot45


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Posted in Lifestyle choice VS being made this way on 2006-07-14 03:03:57

I have had attractions to men most of my life. It all started when my brother abused me when I was very young; young enough to not know the other reason for the $%!@ I $%!@ed with. As an adult I have also had relations with a number of men, virtual strangers. I felt compelled to these actions because of the strong desire to be intimate with a man. More often than not, though, I found that when the sex was over I felt dirty; not because the sex was not with someone I "loved", but because I knew that what just transpired between me and the other man was unnatural. Nobody in his/her right mind can say that homosexuality or homosexual sex is "normal". I am adamently opposed to something called "gay marriage", because there can never be such a thing. Marriage is a UNION; a union between two separate things. Saying that there can be a union between two people of the same gender is like saying there can be a current created between the ends of the same extension cord. Male and female were created to complement each other and to "fit" into one another. Any other "entrance" is perverse and an abomination to the Creator, as He has revealed through Sacred Scripture. In all my sexual activity, I have known that what I was doing was morally wrong. I do it because it feels good temporarily and is a sort of a drug; a "rush" with a high that lasts only until orgasm.

"Homosexuality" is a psychological problem; yes, a cross that one needs to carry and endure only with the grace of Christ. We all need to pray for the grace to carry our crosses and stop twisting the truth into a perverted pretzel.

Posted in Jesus on 2006-07-14 02:34:59

I have no idea what your first two sentences here mean. Why would people be considered hateful if they answer honestly? Again, the point of the poll is to make people consider what THEIR position is on Jesus. Your facetious fairy tale presented here on the Incarnation is not even worth responding to.

Posted in Jesus on 2006-07-14 02:24:52

Would you believe that many say there is no proof that Jesus actually existed?

Posted in God and Jesus Christ on 2006-06-28 22:25:24

God did not "reduce" himself to be human. Jesus, the Word of God, is the second Person of the Holy Trinity. When he was born of human flesh he nevertheless retained his divinity and was/is both human AND divine. As God, he was on earth and in heaven simultaneously. God did not "have" to become man and die for our sins. He could have chosen any way to do so. The fact that He became man and endured such horrible human suffering only shows HIs immense love for us. And, excuse me, but aren't the Jews STILL expecting a messiah, since you do not believe that Jesus is the messiah? When do you expect the messiah, and what do you expect him to be? Just curious...

Posted in When Is Jesus Coming? on 2006-06-28 22:00:55

"Living fully"? What does that mean? Living in sin? Is that living fully or dying fully?