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User: RWM


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Let's imagine, for the sake of argument, that the strange things people have reported seeing in the skies over the past 70 years were extraterrestrials in spaceships, and that this were conclusively proven. The first question would be why they haven't openly contacted us in all that time.

Is it because there is some sort of "prime directive" (along the lines of the one in Star Trek) in which they, as a matter of policy, simply observe alien civilizations without open contact so as not to contaminate them? If so, we would presumably be limited to just knowing that they're there, and I'm not sure how interesting that would really be.

Or is it because they've been studying us in preparation for doing something further? If this is true, then it would make a lot of difference what they're planning.

If they're hostile, then we would be stuck with the fact that they're far more advanced than us technologically, and can therefore presumably destroy us, or turn us into slaves, or pretty much anything they want.

Even if they're friendly, contact with them would undoubtedly change our society in major ways that we can't even imagine at the moment. I doubt that anyone could have anticipated 150 years ago how much society was going to be changed by technological advances in the next century and a half, and in the same way, I doubt that any of us can imagine the kind of change that contact with an alien civilization (even a friendly one) would bring about. And such change, even if it were ultimately for the better, would be scary and would be likely to include things that not everyone would like, at least at first.

Posted in School or College Plays - revealing performances on 2012-02-15 20:05:08

"AHHHHHH! Lord of the Flies. I haven't watched that old movie for years. I was totally disappointed in the newest remake. But that does show in contrast the difference in society between when the old Black and White Version was made and this new one. There was quite a bit of nudity in the B/W version and I don't think there is any nudity in the new version.

Let's face it, put a bunch of boys on an island with no adults and they are going to run around nude almost all of the time. So in my opinion the old version is the most accurate as to boy behaviour than the new one.

Just like the Tarzan version, Greystoke, is the best version of Tarzan, because there again in it Tarzan was nude until he met adults. Versions of little boy tarzan running around in a loincloth, I would ask them when did Gorillas learn to make and put loinclothes on boys? LOL.

But you are right. Lord of the Flies would be way to lengthy to adapt to the stage. Of course I guess it could be done with the right screenplay and scriptwriter."

There actually is at least one stage version that has been written of Lord of the Flies. I know because I saw it done in my area last year. I wouldn't recommend it, though! If you're familiar with the story, I'll just say that while the play includes a scene where the boys sight a ship, the scene DOESN'T happen while Jack is hunting with the boys who are supposed to be on fire watch (talk about totally not understanding the plot)!

If you know somebody who's interested in doing a stage version of Lord of the Flies, let me know, because I might be willing to do an adaptation (though I'd need some lead time to do it).

Posted in Should my son be allowed to stay shirtless? on 2011-08-26 17:25:14

There are formal settings in which it is inappropriate for boys to go shirtless, but otherwise it should be the norm for boys to go shirtless in hot weather! Consider the following:

1) There is a need to reduce energy consumption and reduce pollution. What sense does it make to have boys put on shirts and then crank up the air conditioning to compensate? And outdoors, where there is no air conditioning, it's important for boys to keep lots of skin exposed in order to allow the body's natural cooling mechanisms (i.e., evaporation of sweat) to function properly so that they can avoid heat stroke while they're exercising.

2) Sunscreens are better than they've ever been before. There is absolutely no need for boys to wear shirts in this day and age just to avoid skin cancer!

3) The principal reason why more boys wear shirts in hot weather nowadays is because they're fat and are ashamed to have people see how bad they look. But the grave health consequences of being fat don't go away just because you hide the fat with a shirt! The more boys keep their shirts off, the more it encourages them to stay slim, fit, and healthy!

Posted in When Oil runs out, What will happen? on 2011-06-13 05:39:40

We aren't going to run out of oil any time soon, but when we do, it won't be important because we have enough energy from other sources to last, at our present rates of consumption, for literally as long as our planet is expected to last.

The answer to your question depends on a number of things that aren't specified.

First, what kind of job are we talking about?

Are we talking about a school teacher whose class will be unsupervised until he or she arrives? Or a nurse whose patients will be unattended until he or she arrives, or unless a nurse from the previous shift stays late to cover? Or an assembly line worker whose assembly line can't start until everyone is there?

Or are we talking about a janitor who has a certain number of offices to clean, or a mechanic who has a certain number of cars to repair or service, or a computer programmer who has to write a number of subroutines, but in each case they work more or less independently, so that what really matters is how much time they put in, not which specific hours they work?

Second, how late were they? 2 minutes? 5 minutes? 15 minutes? 30 minutes? An hour?

Third, what was the reason for their lateness? Did they just start late? Or did they have an emergency of some kind? Or was there a traffic tie-up or inclement weather?

Without knowing the answers to these questions, it's impossible to give a meaningful answer to your question.