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User: ryan~


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Posted in Bathing Time on 2007-05-18 00:52:38

I'm a 15 year old male and live in the us and i shower naked and wash my hole body clean I always make sure to clean the foreskin around the head of my $%!@s very good so i don't get an infection. I have $%!@edd in the shower but i did not like it because when i got all the spermm on my $%!@ hands and leg it got very sticky from the shower water and was very hard to clean.

Posted in Racism on 2007-04-20 03:02:57

im german and belive in my german ways that my grampa has passed down and i will teach my kids someday to be like him because the things he tells us about some groups of people are very true but they are races comments my grampa grew up in germany

Posted in getting caught Masturbating on 2007-04-18 20:23:06

im a little over 6in

Posted in circumcision on 2007-04-14 03:24:27

Hi Im 15 Male and i think that an uncut dickk is the best because it is like a 2 for one if you want your dickk to look like a cut one you can just pull the skin back + an uncut dickk has skin over the had that moves so i bet girls would have lots more fun with that and about 4 weeks ago i was reading something onlne that said if you have an uncut $%!@s you will feel more sensations than a cut $%!@s when having sex and $%!@ingg + it said that $%!@ingg is less hadder than with an uncut $%!@

Posted in Masturbation on 2007-04-13 22:07:13

i found a great site to help enlarg your $%!@ http://www.freewebs.com/talkmale