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User: Southern Boy


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Posted in Are you stronger than a woman??? on 2003-01-30 13:59:36

I have known for many years that women can be stronger than men. I have been beaten at armwrestling several times by stronger women. A lot of guys say that it can't happen to them but it can.

Posted in Do you go barefoot at a friend's house? on 2002-12-20 14:16:36

========== In Reply To ========== thanks for the support messages. i feel fine with it now, i don't miss my shoes or socks around the house, it doesnt bother me at all. in public i like to slide out of my flipflops if im sitting down at a bench for example, and if im sitting down on grass i always kick them off becos i like the feel of grass on my feet, but those are probably the only places. in pe i think id prefer to wear trainers for stuff like basketball, but for gymnastics id rather go barefoot. i still only have my flip-flops, so i have to do all pe barefoot either way, but i dont actually mind that. i dont mind the pictures around the house now becos my feet arent sumthing im shy of anymore, and theres even a couple of pictures, with my feet in my sisters lap in one and hers in mine in the other which im actually quite fond of. i quite enjoy having my feet tickled for a little while, but i find it anoyying after more than a couple of minuts. now i think about it i cant believe how shy i used to be about my bare feet or even understand why even, compaired to now where i could be in the garden and my feet could be dirty and people could see them and i wouldnt really care. there was one thing i dont like - my sister thought it would be fun to smear icecream over my toes and it was really freezing, but still i could see the funny side of it. ----------------------------- Jessica I just read all your stories and I am glad that you now feel more comfortable about going barefoot. At times I think your Mom went to the extreme but for the most part I truly believe she was trying to help you. When I was your age I would not take my shoes off under any circumstances, I was just as shy about it as you were. I wish my Mom had done me like your Mom done you. I finally started going barefoot when I was about 22 or 23 years old. I saw what I missed out on when I was a kid. I hate to wear shoes now. In warm weather I hardly ever wear shoes when I go out in public. Since you now feel better about going barefoot the most important thing you can do is to keep doing it. I reccomend that you start going barefoot in public as much as possible. For example, if your local grocery store allows people to go in barefoot, make it a point to never wear shoes in there again in warm weather. In stores that don't allow bare feet, wear your flip flops. Going barefoot is wonderful, it is comfortable and a lot of fun. I think you will love being a barefooter. I wish you the best of luck.

Posted in Wrestling Lover for Fun on 2002-12-18 21:58:01

I love the idea of women being stronger than men. I would really enjoy being overpowered and dominated by a stronger woman. I would love to be married to a woman that is much stronger than me and could beat me in a wrestling match and beat me at armwrestling. Women are the best!!!!

Posted in armwrestling on 2002-10-28 20:54:46

There are a lot of girls that are stronger than boys and there is nothing wrong with it. Good sportsmanship is the most important thing in any competition. After doing your best it is not that bad to lose to a girl in a contest of strength. Guys when you compete with girls do your very best and if you lose be a good sport about it. There is no reason that you can't shake hands, hug necks and be friends.

Posted in Social Nudism in America on 2002-10-24 17:43:05

I have been a nudist for several years and nudism is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I hate to wear clothes now. Everybody needs to try nudism at least one time.