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User: sukafu_sensei


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Posted in Blindfolded at the Dentist on 2013-09-04 23:56:17
M has gotten much better at tying me up and handling me. She is more comfortable with me now. She orders me to stand and hand her my bag of supplies in the waiting room in front of other patients. She then takes me by the hand and leads me to the room. She turns me to face away from her and blindfolds me. Then she pulls my hands behind my back and ties them in a u shape. She leads me to the chair and helps me sit. M ties my knees and ankles with scarves and ties me down to the chair with the ropes so I can't move. She ties a scarf around my neck and then around the bar that holds the headrest. Then she ties another one over my face to the headrest with my head turned to face her. Today M closed the door behind us and pushed me against the wall as she ordered me to spread my arms and legs wide. I became aroused. She blindfolded me and searched me all over, even a little between the legs. It was hot so I was wearing tan lightweight short shorts over my white nylon briefs and a lightweight white polyester short-sleeved button down shirt. It really is a blouse because of the material. I also wore lightweight white canvas shoes and lightweight white ankle socks. M felt me through my blouse and remarked how soft it was. She put her hands up under my shorts and felt my bottom through my underpants. Then she turned me around and told me to spread my arms and legs wider. She told me to open my mouth and searched inside. M stuffed my handkerchief in my mouth and searched me from the front. She swatted me between the legs and said bad boy. Then she tied me up like she usually does. She left me to wait for a while before she returned to work on me. She stuffed the handkerchief back in my mouth when she was done and tied it in with a scarf. Then she left me again. It was while before she untied me. M started by untying my chest and feeling the soft material of my blouse. She actually fondled me through it. She really liked it and so did I. M took her time untying my legs and feeling them as well. M had talked to H who encouraged her to have fun with me. I thanked her and gave her a big hug. She gave me a big hug back. I can't wait to find out what she has in store for me next time.
Posted in Blindfolded at the Dentist on 2012-09-10 01:09:00

My dentist told me that H and L were no longer working for her, but there was another hygienist M who has a personality like H. M had seen me restrained the last time H cleaned my teeth. She had never tied anyone up and was eager to learn. She wanted to only use scarves and ropes. I brought plenty of each.

Posted in mouth washed out with soap on 2011-08-16 04:44:55

Mom would not tolerate bad language, yelling or talking back. Whenever I broke her speaking rules, she tied me to a chair, washed my mouth out with bar soap on a washcloth, then gagged me with the bar. The first time I used bad language I was six and she didn't know what to do. She was figuring it out as she took me by the wrist and led me to the bathroom. She lathered up a bar of Dial and got it all over a wet washcloth. Then she washed my mouth all over with it. It tasted terrible and I struggled. She took off her scarf and tied my hands behind my back. She put me on the closed toilet seat and straddled me so I couldn't get away. The next time it happened she was ready. She took me by the wrist and led me to her bathroom. There was a new chair there and she sat me in it. She took some rope from a drawer and tied me to the chair so I couldn't move. Then she put on a new pair of yellow rubber cleaning gloves right in front of my face. She got a washcloth wet and lathered up a bar of soap in it. She thoroughly washed the inside of my mouth with it and I thought that was the end of my punishment. She gagged me with the bar of soap and tied it in with her blue bandana. It took her a while to get it so I couldn't spit the soap out. She watched me and kept me gagged with the bar of soap for half an hour. The more she did it the better she got at it. My mouth was washed out with soap this way until I moved out on my own after college.

Posted in Arrest Me on 2010-04-28 04:40:12

Thank you for creating your polls Alice. I enjoyed taking your poll about arresting you and coming up with detailed responses to the essay questions. I got quite excited writing them as I am sure you can tell by reading them. I would love to arrest you and be your jailer throughout your incarceration.

Thank you for the physical description you gave. So we all have a better idea of what it would be like to arrest you, how tall are you and what are your measurements?

Posted in Blindfolded at the Dentist on 2009-04-07 06:05:07

I am finally posting about my most recent cleaning. L greeted me and we got to talk for a while. She let H know I was there and H took me back to her room. She closed the door and told me to face the wall. H took off my jacket and hung it on the back of the door. She had me spread my arms and legs and searched me. I heard her getting the scarves ready behind me. Then she placed the blindfold over my eyes and tied it snug. H quickly tied my hands behind my back and spun me around several times. She giggled and enjoys disorienting me. H helped me into the chair and reclined it. She strapped me down tight so I couldn't move. My head was last. H put the bib on me and tied the scarf around my neck to the chair. She opened my mouth and placed the prop on the right side. H got right to the cleaning and was very thorough. She got Dr. C who looked me over. There were problems with my root canals from junior high school, so Dr. C ordered x-rays. H took them and stuffed my handkerchief in my mouth. She told me to wait while she developed the x-rays. After a while Dr. C came back with H and said I needed two crowns. H cleaned up the room. She untied me and gathered up everything as she went. When she removed the blindfold everything else had been put away. We hugged and said goodbye. I made an appointment with L on the way out.