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User: the unknown


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Posted in Random Situations on 2013-06-21 07:19:23

If you got someone to do one of the dares in this poll, feel free to talk about it here.

Posted in Help me be barefoot more on 2013-01-14 15:39:00

I had that problem too. But somehoow i cured mine. I did it by just locking myself outside without shoes on and after a while i got used to it. But i dont go barefoot that much and im scared to do it with other people around

Posted in who's the barefooter? on 2013-01-12 19:28:25

Jungle! I know not many people voted, but I set the date and she won by 1 vote.

She became a barefooter because her hometown got a lot of floods all year. And since she was poor and couldn't afford the right kind of shoes to go in the ankle-deep or higher, she just had to go around barefoot. Even when she left the flooded town she had to go barefoot wherever she went due to her frequently forgetting to bring her shoes. Eventually, she got used to her bare feet and got an odd feeling to stay connected to the earth. So when she left she made her home in a jungle, where she could always feel the earth under her bare soles. From not wearing shoes for so long, she learned how to do many things just using her bare toes and feet.(like picking things up or supporting herself on tree branches.). She also could withstand lots of pain in her feet because her "house" was up in a tree and she had to use the vines and branches on the tree to scale it(and you might not know that tree bark isn't the most comfortable thing to walk barefoot on, let alone climbing it barefoot). For her, best way to stay connected with the earth and nature is to go everywhere barefoot, so you couldn't even pay her to put shoes on.

Posted in Bare feet Outside on 2012-12-21 11:28:41

On this poll, when I said "tell me what you thought" after the 1-week barefoot dare, it was supposed to mean on thhe message forum. So if ya did it, tell me where you went, friends' reactions, or if you couldn't handle it, and overall, what it was like

Posted in Bare feet Outside on 2012-12-21 11:28:40

On this poll, when I said "tell me what you thought" after the 1-week barefoot dare, it was supposed to mean on thhe message forum. So if ya did it, tell me where you went, friends' reactions, or if you couldn't handle it, and overall, what it was like