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User: ziggyglitters


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Posted in Religion and Homosexuality on 2002-06-27 22:45:03

I have never heard of a person who "changed" their sexuality who did not believe there was something wrong with homosexuality to begin with. Almost always, these people are religious and think it's a sin.

Bisexuality is: Of, relating to, or having a sexual orientation to persons of either sex. It has nothing to do with time periods or even sexual intercourse. You can be a virgin and still be bisexual. It simply means a person who is attracted to both sexes.

I don't belive a person can change their sexuality. It's possible that sexuality is a flexible thing, and that gender lines are ultimately meaningless, but in that case changing would be even more pointless.

========== In Reply To ========== QUOTE: I personally don't believe a person can truly change their sexuality, if he or she actually did, that person was bisexual to begin with.

Unfortunatly, despite your beliefs, people have truly changed their sexuality, and it isn't always because of religion. Many, in fact, simply change. To remind you, bisexuality is the sexual preference of having sexual intercourse with both male and female in a close time period. Otherwise, if a person started homosexual, and converted to heterosexual, and never had sex with the same sex again, he would always be bisexual, no matter what, which isn't the case.

QUOTE: Who "changes" their sexuality? ........ People who are devoutly religious and believe homosexuality is a sin. This is almost always the case. Those people have been ttaught to believe they are doing wrong, so they force themselves to have a heterosexual relationship.

No, it's not almost always the case. Anyway, if it homosexuality is indeed genetic, they most likely couldn't have changed no matter what, unless they proved themselves that genes are not a stone written document.

Posted in Religion and Homosexuality on 2002-06-23 06:03:23

Who "changes" their sexuality? People who are incredibly uncomfortable with it. People who are devoutly religious and believe homosexuality is a sin. This is almost always the case. These people have been taught to believe they are doing wrong, so they force themselves to have a heterosexual relationship. I personally don't believe a person can truly change their sexuality, if he or she actually did, that person was bisexual to begin with.

Posted in Religion and Homosexuality on 2002-06-17 08:20:40

You Christians who condemn gays make me sick. I'm sure Christ would have been just thrilled that his name was being used to discriminate against people who've done nothing wrong. Being gay is something people are born with, and it is natural and healthy. It does not "rub off" on others, it cannot be changed. Why don't you tolerate others who are different instead of discriminate against them? Drug addicts, murderers, rapists, etc. can all get married but a loving same-sex couple cannot. How does that make sense?

Posted in Homosexuality on 2002-06-17 08:08:37

I Guess We Can Change Both Ways, then.

People can change, huh? Great! I have an idea. Overpopulation is rampant. Let's start changing people into gays and lesbians. That way, a lot less starving babies, overcrowded schools and prisons, etc. Plus, now that there are more LBGTQ people, hopefully people will be more tolerant. If we can change people's sexuality one way, we can change it the other way, right? Onward, people! ziggyglitters

========== In Reply To ========== The statment by these people that they can not be changed is a COP-OUT!! Human Beings are the most adaptable creatures on earth. We can change to any environment. So don't tell me the BS that Homos and Lesbos can't change.

Everyone can Change. What it comes down to is, do you really want to.
