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Controversy / Morality


SIBLINGS 2002-01-24
This is to servey people on the subject of sibling conflict and how common it is.
Enron Poll 2002-01-22
What is your take?
This is just to see what some people's opinions are about pre-marital sex and having babies out o...
Going barefoot and NSNSNS signs 2002-01-21
This is a poll for anyone who goes barefoot in stores and other places. How do you respond when a...
Sex and Violence in the Movies 2002-01-16
A short poll to look at attitudes toward nudity and death in film. By "nude scene" I me...
drug legality, moral? 2002-01-14
questioning legitimacy of government's oppression of "criminals," because they use or s...
WTCisback.com Quick Poll 2002-01-14
Do you want the World Trade Center to be rebuilt?
Male vs. Female Homosexuality 2002-01-14
It is hoped that this poll will help to provide some insight as to whether there is a difference ...
Ethnic reputations 2002-01-05
I made this poll because I wanted to see which ethnic group has the most negative reputation.
Ladies racial preferences 2002-01-03
Heres a touchy subject. I'll ask questions for girls of every race on what they like.
Violence against women 2002-01-03
For women who have been physically attacked by a man.
Islam in America... Friend or Enemy??? - Group 2002-01-03
so whats the bottom line, what do you think ?
Stem cell Research 2001-12-31
Stem cell research has recently become a major moral issue, pro-life vs. possible scientific g...
Three Strikes Your Out! 2001-12-31
This is for Government Class!!!
Hero's or Killers? 2001-12-31
I want your opinions on how the men in Vietnam were treated differently than our troops now.
Why has society gotten so lame and sleazy? 2001-12-21
It seems to me people are less intelligent and less moral in the past 20 years or so.
Pants on fire 2001-12-19
Everyone hates a liar, right? We teach our children not to lie. Some of us have even had our mo...
What should be done to Bin? 2001-12-13
I assume for this poll that Ladden is guilty, as per the obvious, what should we do to him?
Bra Attitudes 2001-12-13
Just curious what people's attitudes are toward the garment of clothing known as a Bra.
Ice Cream 2001-12-13
Uh. what kind you like??
Transgendered or confused? 2001-12-13
The term 'transgendered' has been coined, and for some reason, it has stuck. What do you think?
How do you view Muslims? 2001-12-13
What are some of the positive and negative opinions that Americans have toward Muslim people?
Mens' Short Hair Poll 2001-12-13
Asks the guys their short hair history and opinions
Homosexuals in the Military 2001-12-13
Tell me what you think about this, please vote!!!!!!
Smoking Poll 2001-12-12
I am doing a public opinion project for my history class and I would greatl appreciate it if you ...