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What is the best healthcare system? 2009-09-15 (closed)
This poll will ask questions about your views on comparative health care systems. Please be hones...
Palin, Paul Revere, and you 2011-06-08 (closed)
This poll is about Palin, Paul Revere, and you
Presidential poll 2011-08-15
Rate each president who you know from American history based on whether they were a good or bad p...
Obama vs Romney 2012-05-18
This poll is designed to find which candidate is currently favored and why.
Will you accept a Syrian Refugee in your home? 2016-08-21
<img src=https://s13.postimg.org/hmud6e1k7/syrian_refugees_turkey_2.jpg/> With the risk th...
Bad President 2008-03-28
Is George Bush a bad President??
Socialism 2008-10-25 (closed)
TO KAREN OR NOT TO KAREN? That is the question! 2009-03-25 (closed)
The below poll seeks to seek the public's opinion on the CLICO fiasco surrounding Minister of Fin...
Controversial Issues 2009-06-29
Controversial Issues
War in Afghanistan 2011-11-09
War in Afghanistan
Public Opinion 2012-02-07
Public Opinion
Do you agree that Pres. Obama is the worst President ever? 2016-08-03
<img src=https://s31.postimg.org/bobsl2cfv/Obama_With_Sad_Face_Funny_Picture.jpg/>
Republican Candidates in 2008 2008-01-03
Republican Candidates in 2008
Next President of The United States? 2008-03-04 (closed)
Who will you vote for?
Would any of these deter you? 2008-07-19
I am gay, atheistic, have a prince albert piercing, the tips of my hair are dyed purple, and I'm ...
Does Sarah Palin make you doubt your existence as a human? 2008-10-11 (closed)
Does Sarah Palin make you doubt your existence as a human?
Is America a superpower (and if not, when was it)? 2008-10-20
After the centuries-long rule of the British Empire, the most powerful members of the Allies, the...
Did you like bush as President? 2009-04-28
Also did you like Cheney as Vice President?
Obama Or Bush 2009-05-14
Obama Or Bush
A Female President 2004-02-02
Do you think we will have a female president in the near future?
TheHome Life of the Conservative Christian 2006-08-09
I'm just curious....
A new Union of Nation states 2006-10-07
Within Europe over 27 nations now belong to the European Union,which is heading towards one natio...
The Should-have-been-president (2008) 2008-06-09
Which candidate do you suppose SHOULD have had the greater cance to become president?
Do you like Barack Obama? 2008-07-26 (closed)
Do you like Barack Obama?
war! 2008-11-15
Country v.s. country.Who would win?