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The Official Mister Poll Forum

Mr. Poll BROKEN!

Posted by Punished Angelle on 2018-06-24 22:43:44

Voting on polls has been broken for nearly a year. Making new polls has been dead at least that long! Answering forums on polls is also BROKEN! Seriously guys, fix this or take this site offline. You are gettin money from ads so your paid. If you can not keep your site working then shut it off. I am willing to bet you have not even got a live person looking at polls and putting them online. They ust sit there and nevr go throuh to visible status. What is up? Again, fix it or kill this site.

Posted by JR Surveyor on 2018-06-25 16:56:49

The most active discussions on this site are about torturing und mutilating little children - there has not been any kind of supervision for a long time. The owners just do not care.

However, it is possible to make new polls. Look here:


Posted by bob76 on 2018-09-10 21:00:37

"Seriously guys, fix this or take this site offline. You are gettin money from ads so your paid."

Actually, the second sentence above contradicts the first one. If the owners take the site offline they won't get any money from ads. I suppose they might take the site down if they're sued because some pervert harms a child and it turns out that he was inspired by something he saw on Mister Poll.

Apparently the new owners who bought the site in 2015 decided that the way to maximize net revenue was to fire their technical staff. They get ad revenue from people looking at the existing content, even if new polls can't be created (other than polls with essay questions using a back door method) and people can no longer vote in the polls.

It's a shame, because this could be a good website if the technical problems were fixed and there were an adequate number of reviewers. Unfortunately, because of a change in Amazon ad policy, Mister Poll can no longer use volunteer reviewers.

The review guidelines posted at https://www.misterpoll.com/review-guidelines.html look reasonable, and would prohibit polls about torturing and mutilating little children.

Posted by bob76 on 2018-09-12 12:01:41

Update to what I said earlier: I've been able to vote in some polls but not others. I haven't tried creating polls. My statement that "new polls can't be created (other than polls with essay questions using a back door method)" was based on reading comments posted by other people.

Posted by PatriciaBMcManus on 2019-08-03 10:11:32

Yes you are right. If anybody who is not able to keep their website then they should shut it off because it is just to make people fool. Well, my cousin had a website but when he failed to keep it alive he shut down that website and now he is working on https://www.resumesservicesreview.com/ and he doing so much hard work on this website to keep it alive which is a work after seeing a lose.