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Boys dressing smartly

Smart dressing

Posted by yagmaget on 2008-06-16 13:24:39

I have sons and though I don't dictate everything they wear I think that when they're out with me or at home they should dress as I tell them. I don't always insist on a tie, but plain, sensible, smart clothing and underwear, neatly worn is, I think, not unreasonable. They wear uniform to school, which they are expected to keep tidy and respect. They have a pair of casual trousers and a shirt, but I don't let them wear jeans and at home they wear shorts unless specifically allowed to wear long trousers. There aren't written rules as such but they are expected to dress in a particular way, for instance, if they have a tie on it must always be tight against the collar and not loosened, socks should be neatly pulled up and not gathered around the ankles, jackets should be done up, not hanging open, hair and nails shoudl be kept short - stuff like that. Occasionally I stop one of them in the middle of whatever he's doing and say, 'Inspection' and give him a very detailed once over. Knowing they might be inspected at any time tends to keep them looking smart.

Posted by alwayssurfing on 2008-06-22 16:20:52

Wow. That Seems a bit harsh to me. I mean, OK, they're your sons so its up to you i guess but it's so uptight!

Posted by notmuchlonger on 2008-07-27 19:04:08

When ever I wear a suit and tie I get a hard on and when I see another kid in a suit and tie I get a hard on and I try to pick a fight with him and fight him with both of us in suits and ties, I almost always get beaten up even though I weigh 135 pounds and the kids I fight are between 95 to 105 pounds.

Posted by smallshorts on 2008-08-09 10:28:23


Your sons should wear neat grey flannel shorts with their uniforms. Trim shorts look smart and also show them that they are still young boys. They should never wear long trousers, but you can allow them casual denim shorts if they behave. However all the shorts worn must be brief. No more than 1/2 an inch inseam. This is a practical cheap and long lasting option.

Posted by smallshorts on 2009-10-19 22:21:32

I wore this type of uniform to school until I was 14. In fact I was kept in shorts of all types all the time until that age.

After the age of 14 I wore shorts all the time at home. Still grey shorts or corduroy shorts for best and as i have said elsewhere dungaree shorts and very brief denim shorts.

My parents believed that part of the neat appearance of a boy was having my legs kept uncovered for as long as possible. Thus why I was kept in shorts for such a long time.

I remember when I was 15, being complimented on how smart I was in my brief grey flannel shorts.

p.s I have just changed my handle as indeed my shorts were very small.