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Boys dressing smartly

dressing smartly at home

Posted by mrog on 2016-12-31 05:16:59

my step dad always makes me dress up at home so i have to wear a tie and smart trousers and stuff. we don't have to wear ties to school but i have to get one on when i get home and at dinner i have to wear a jacket - although with napkin round my neck so i don't get dinner on it. lol. when i go to stay with my dad he doesn't bother and i just wear jeans and a t.

Posted by edouard on 2017-01-04 16:42:04

I think that dressing formally for dinner is a very good custom, though napkin around your neck is not very elegant. I am glad to see that this custom has not completely disappeared and that some families such as yours stick to it ! In my family, we always dress up for dinner when there is a guest, and also every Sunday for Mass, lunch and dinner !

Posted by mrog on 2017-01-08 23:14:45

I agree. A napkin round the neck isn't very elegant, although when you see the state of it after dinner and think that what's on the napkin would be on your shirt, you can see the point in having to use it. My step dad also has me use a shirt protector sometimes which felt a bit stupid at first, but now I'm more used to it it's OK, and again, I can see the point of it.

When you say you dress up for dinner, what do you wear?