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Birtney spears the shocking life

Birtney prediction

Posted by xxNataliexx on 2008-01-03 14:48:14

what do you think britney will do in 2008

Posted by Beaker2112 on 2008-03-13 14:46:57

Attempt suicide once she realizes that her career is over.

Posted by leric on 2008-04-10 20:31:00

first of all, check out my poll under "7 nights with britney Spears" in the same catagory. to answer your question I personally believe she'll do everything in her power to get her life back together. She;ll give keven one more try for the sake of the kids. She'll continue to do acting and her next album will be much better than the last one. She may even try to smoothe things over with Justin timberlake. He has shown signs of deep negative fellings whitch can only mean he"s still hurting from the betrailal back in 2002. I also predict that if my book gets enough buzz that she might be inclined to endorse it as a fun literal romp. or just that none of it happened but she liked the book anyway.