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User: Beaker2112



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Posted in Birtney spears the shocking life on 2008-03-13 14:46:57

Attempt suicide once she realizes that her career is over.

Posted in You want a piece of me? on 2008-03-13 14:20:46

What do I like about Britney? Absolutely nothing. Dislike ... Hmmmm, you got about a year to spare?

Posted in Animal Rights: For or Against? on 2008-03-13 13:51:32

Really, gratezenad ... ALL living organisms? That's fine if you choose to consider a common c0ckroach as your equal but count me out. Unless you're a parasite, I wouldn't exactly say that mosquitoes, fleas or ticks are our equals either - to the best of my knowledge, I'm not a bloodsucker. Trees? Well - I can't imagine that all of the furnishing in your home is made of plastic, metal or stone. Oh! Wait ... what about the frame and rafters of your house - that's probably made from trees too. Ah yes, and let us not forget our nice cushy toilet paper - just be grateful that it doesn't come complete with splinters. However, I DO agree with you on animal rights. There are a few countries on this miserable little planet that consider animals sentient beings and treat them as such. At least they have the right of it. Sadly, here in the good ole' U.S. of A - they're classified as mere property.

Posted in Your Pets on 2008-03-13 12:33:37

I'm in complete agreement with Nicholas. It's good to see that there is at least one other educated person commenting on this particular poll. atljohnson - please put your internet connection to good use and do some research before attacking others on topics that you obviously know nothing about. As for having our pets spayed or neutered, why should I have them "fixed" if they're not broken to begin with. A friend of ours had her Yorkie spayed at the recommendation her veterinarian and guess what ... the poor dog ballooned up and died two months later. What's worse is that the vet who performed the surgery had no clue as to why this happened - even after an autopsy. In addition to this ... have you ever heard of something called responsible breeding? Apparently not. Responsible breeder's pups do not end up in animal shelters. A responsible breeder will go to unbelievable extremes to ensure that their pups are being placed in good homes - to the point of taking a trip to the potential owners home and actually checking up on the pup from time to time. Responsible breeding is not about profit or winning trophies ... it is for the love of the breed and done with the intent to produce pups with the best of health and temperment.

As for taking our pets for vet trips - that only takes place if there's a problem or if it's something that we cannot do ourselves (such as professional teeth cleaning or removal due to overcrowding). They are vaccinated and de-wormed on an annual basis, treated for the prevention of Bordetella every six months and for heartworm prevention every single month - by ME. All it takes is a trip to the local feed store, knowing how and where to give the injections and basic mathematical skills for the administration of Ivermectin. It's significantly less expensive than taking them to a vet for the annual vaccinations - and more importantly - MUCH SAFER than exposing them to other animals that happen to be there for God-only-knows what reason. Another plus to this is that they are in a comfortable, very familiar place where they feel safe. In short, car rides are a pleasurable experience for them as opposed to being anxiety inducing which I have seen far too often where car ride = trip to vet.

So please, in the future - do your homework before jumping to conclusions and telling people they suck.

Posted in Animal testing on 2008-03-13 10:49:29

Not to be mean but, Ngaire is (or, was an 8th grader at the time of the original post). Which means Ngaire would have been approximately 13 or 14 years of age). Please, also take into consideration that perhaps English is not his/her native language.