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User: Beaker2112


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Posted in Animal Rights on 2008-03-13 10:35:04

Actually, I don't have much of a choice in the matter. Due to an incurable medical condition (nickel allergies) - I am extremely limited in what I am allowed to consume. Most vegetables, fruit, melons, grains, ALL nuts, ALL beans and ALL dairy products are off limits. Believe me, I wish it were otherwise. :(

Posted in DO You Like Squirrels? on 2008-03-13 10:11:16

Once you get a bit older dear, and you realize how many diseases squirrels carry - you won't like them either. Sure, they may look cute when they're sitting in the park cracking open a nut but - if they get in your attic, chew wiring and start an electrical fire, you're screwed. Ask any insurance company - if your house goes POOF because tree rats were the cause of the fire - your homeowners policy will give you NOTHING. Believe me, it's not too much fun when they turn your vehicle into scrap metal either.

Posted in wtf is wrong with you? on 2008-03-13 08:33:44

To the creator of this poll: How old are you? 10? Mommy not monitoring your internet time? Do us all a favor - log off and go back to your Harry Potter Books.