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Animal Rights

Why I am not a vegetarian

Posted by dumdum22 on 2004-11-28 20:57:36

I think animals have the same right to live as (most) humans do. But, I choose to eat meat because I couldn't help the butchering of the animal. Example: There is a package of hamburger meat sitting in my fridge that my mom bought for groceries. The animal has already been butchered. The hamburger is ready to be prepared. Why waste that food when you had no impact on whether the animal was to be butchered or not? The food will go to waste. If the food is in front of you and you refuse to eat it, you are simply wasting food, not opposing animal cruelty.

Posted by fairtreatment on 2004-12-08 11:38:21

Who did she buy the meat for? If it was for you because you asked your mom to buy you meat, then that's where you can make the decision to not contribute to it. The damage is done when the meat is bought directly from the company that was first selling it. (There's no extra damage done if you buy it second-hand, like off Ebay or something)

If your mom bought the meat for herself, well wouldn't she finish it herself? I was dealing with the same thing for awhile just after going veg, because there were still cruelty-foods left around the house that weren't going to get used up. The stuff that the rest of my family could finish, I let them eat it. The stuff that no one else would use/eat, I would. Because you're right, if no one uses/eats it, it's a waste which is even worse than someone eating the meat. But once it's all gone, that's where I make the decision to never buy it again. :)

Posted by kardonspoos on 2005-12-04 11:26:10

I REALLY HATE vegies!!!

Posted by BBQ Platypus on 2006-07-26 18:06:07

Well, first of all, it's natural and it's nutritious. Furthermore, it supports the agricultural industry, allowing people who cannot afford organic, nutrient-enriched fruits and vegetables (the only way to avoid animal cruelty and not die of malnutrition) to be able to eat.

The fact that animals aren't quite as capable of feeling pain or fear as humans is a minor contributing factor, although it would not suffice if it were the only reason.

Posted by Beaker2112 on 2008-03-13 10:35:04

Actually, I don't have much of a choice in the matter. Due to an incurable medical condition (nickel allergies) - I am extremely limited in what I am allowed to consume. Most vegetables, fruit, melons, grains, ALL nuts, ALL beans and ALL dairy products are off limits. Believe me, I wish it were otherwise. :(