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Kids and Modesty

Should erections really be so embarrassing? When most everybody gets them?

Posted by Pronatalist on 2004-03-31 01:41:50

Why should an erection in some public shower, or a $%!@ bulge in class, have to be so embarrassing, if it happens to most everybody at some time or another?

If I see some guy with an erection or boner, I generally don't say anything, out of understanding and respect, so long as they aren't doing anything inappropriate. The person likely is already embarrassed enough. I think it best to overlook it, and not make fun of them. It could be spontaneous or involuntary.

Just because somebody gets an erection, doesn't mean they have to do anything with it. It happens.

And of course we should have good and Biblical standards of modesty and decency and morality.

Posted by skin boy on 2005-10-06 09:32:26

The only time when you should ever worry about erections is when you can't get one!

Posted by Dave123 on 2006-01-12 03:30:41

I'm 13. I'm always naked at home and I have erections all the time. More than my brother or dad, but they get erections too once in a while. We don't freak out, nor does my mom and sister. I don't mind getting them in the shower room at school either. I just act like its not a big deal when it happens and everythings cool. Erections are the most natural things in the world for guys.

Posted by Tiger1993 on 2006-06-04 17:08:59

My twin brother and I are required to go nude almost all the time. We only wear shorts like once or twice a week for trips to the store or the mall. We are punished if we get hard.

Posted by moley on 2008-01-26 04:13:26

Promatalist, thank you for being so understanding about our erections. You are clearly more mature than many people.