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Naked sports

Future nude scenario

Posted by HDMI on 2019-10-25 03:28:38

Imagine that, in the future, rhythmic gymnastics (and also other sports) is done in the nude. In this scenario, gymnasts trains and competes without clothes.

In your opinion, during competitions: will gymnasts stay in the nude all time, in all places, or only in the arena? If answer is "all time, in all places", in what kind of lodging will the gymnast stay? And what will they do when they are not competing or training? For example... Will they be allowed to spent time with family and friends, grant interviews, sign autographs and posing for photos with their supporters?

Posted by O10 on 2019-10-31 03:10:58

Nude when appropriate. I absolutely think interviews, autographs and photos with supporters could be done nude.

As for lodging I think a good idea would be dorms with the other gymnasts where they all could be nude.

Posted by EdunRevol on 2019-11-02 19:31:17

If all competition is done nude, there's no reason for clothing to b worn at all unless the temperature requires it. That would mean nudity throughout the competition, around friends and family, during interviews, etc. Also, the more they are nude the more comfortable they will be during their competitions.

Posted by JustChris on 2019-11-06 16:02:41

Yes, that's exactly right! People should proudly display their fit and beautiful bodies at all times.

Posted by awayness on 2019-11-06 23:08:12

It would be good if we could identify athletes (and some other ways of life) by their full-time "uniform" of nudity.