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Palin 2012


Posted by U S A on 2008-11-28 17:59:48

Sarah Palin is such a breath of fresh air the stinky libbys can’t take it.

Posted by aaronak on 2008-12-03 06:24:27

Palin wouldn't make it past the primaries. Even her own party wouldn't elect her (outside of Alaska, that is).

Posted by U S A on 2008-12-18 01:54:27

Yea they even made fun of Thomas Edison.

The smarter people are never understood.

Posted by totoro on 2008-12-18 02:21:43

How exactly does Sarah Palin qualify as "smart"? She can't even articulate her economic or foreign policy views at all. According to the L.A. times, she claimed that humans lived at the same time as Dinosaurs. She claims that because she can see Russia from her house (a lie of course) that she is an expert in foreign policy. She has absolutely no understanding of economics. Her discussion of Fungible Commodities and molecules was absolutely hilarious. If you can make any sense out of it, please let me know. If she ever is in charge, Goddess help us. Happy Winter Solstice.

Posted by BJake on 2008-12-20 00:00:50

I was watching a topical comedy show this evening when one of the panelists pointed out that usually the secret service are briefed on what to do if the President dies in office (e.g. how to get the Vice President quickly to the White House to take over) however this time they were briefed on the possibility of Palin being the Vice President in which case they were to shoot her in the event of the President dying in office (which was quite likely)