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Corporal Punishment in Christain Schools

There Was A Paddle

Posted by DaveHern on 2009-11-05 00:19:13

There was a paddle and it was used through 12th grade. The school handbook had a consent form that parents could approve or opt out use of the paddle. If used, the student either carried home a note for signature or if felt more appropriate, a call was made to the parents.

Austin, is this a research survey or do we assume, you attended a Christian based school that utilized corporal discipline and experienced it yourself?

Posted by youngguy on 2009-11-05 01:12:29

A good paddling would help some kids in public schools, too.

Posted by lagochapala2008 on 2009-11-06 16:20:19

Agree with you. It helped me in 9th grade when caught cheating on a quiz. Walking home with a well tanned and sore rear end cured me of that temptation during the remainder of my high school days.

Guy...you get school paddled? If not, were there events that should have?


Posted by youngguy on 2009-11-07 23:48:09

Our school did not permit corporal punishment of any kind. We were glad about that, though even now at age 18 I've begun to wonder if we'd have been better off knowing that there was a paddle or a strap waiting for us. My grandfather once told me about his school using a wide, fairly thick strap made of leather and how it curled right around your butt. He said it might have been even worse than a paddle with holes in it, including because your butt was on fire the whole way around from one side to the other. But trust me, my experience with Dad's paddle was bad enough!!!!

A phone call from school to home guaranteed my brother and me a good thrashing that night at home, and it DID HAPPEN!! Dad got a lexan paddle for me with holes in it somewhere around 6th or 7th grade or so, and believe me, that thing set our butt on fire like you can't believe!! So there were some pretty terrible lessons learned at home because of things we did in school.

I guess I actually wonder now if it would have made a better dent on us kids to get thrashed at school, as soon as the problem occurred and while we were still in our initial throes of guilt about it. Was that your experience? What do you think?


Posted by markie32 on 2009-11-08 21:22:06

I live in the Uk and went what was called a Church School. Which by proxy was a church of england school. Wow it was the 1970s and sometimes when i arrived home i could not sit down. no kidding. We wore shorts until age 11 and either got our legs slapped or our arses, often bare slippered. Bacically if I arrived home with either handmarked legs or a red behind then my mom would without fail, give a repeat spanking.Always pants down. Dont forget in those days moms didnt work so they would always be at home. I got some terrible spankings at school, but at home i either got the slipper or hairbrush, some of my friends would get the belt which is much worse. i only got caned at home four times, the last time age fourteen. I remember our vicar was a staunch advocate of the spare the rod, and as he was the head governor at the school he never failed to impress on the teachers, and our parents, to enforce "gods will" on our behinds. Right or wrong is irrelevant,back then it was just the way it was.