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Which is better? Xbox? Gamecube?

gamecube is the best??? no question

Posted by bhoj on 2002-05-29 18:42:11

Gamecube is the best. 1) it has the best games e.g perfect dark, metroid prime, Mariokart( not babyish most competitive game made.) 2) more advance technology not cd or DVD but Mini DVD exactly the same as DVD but smaller and more compact. 3) Mario games not babyish and i know half you u xbox ps2 people still watch tom and jerry and scooby doo so don't give me that bull$h1t mario is babayish cause its funny and amusing. 4) Nintendo have been making games for almost 20 years. so obviously they have more experience. Also when the atari pong came out it was doing well. then suddenly the more highly advance japanese technology came out and the game and watch and NES came out. the atari pong went down the drain. 5) xbox is slighly beter specification wise so why the hell is it twice as expensive. thats just a scam. They don't give two $h!t$ they just want your money. 6) Gamecube is much more reliable as it is much more ventilated with a better fan. it will last longer. also it is known for its quality as it is made by nintendo. u can't say that Microsoft are reliable. if they are so reliable when ever you use your computer how come the message appears that your computer has performed an illegal operation and the whole computer restarts. imagine if you got so far in a game and then your x box just restarts. 7) Gamecube is better as it has a more comfortable controller. and it has shoulder buttons to that have been improved by makeing the more sensitive the deeper you press them. ps2 has the same controler that has not been improved. 8) i have played on the xbox ps2 and gamecube but i can't tell which one is faster, better or has great graphics. they look the same. 9) Gamecube is also smaller and x box is huge and even larger than my vcr 10) nintendo have dominated the market and they know how to deal with microsoft. so what if they are richer than nintendo. nintendo still have more experience than microsoft and it is so bloody obvious that nintendo are the gods of gaming and will be for ever

if you anylyse the 10 points above you can tell that gamecube has a much better advantage of being successful.

Posted by E-bay on 2002-11-01 03:12:12

wow, you are so wrong. let me correct each of your reasons why gamecube is better. 1) Lets see, there is no mariokart for cube and metroid prime isn't even out yet. Xbox has halo, dead or alive 3 and Jet set radio future. PS2 has Mgs 2, GTA3 and GT3, all of these games are out and kick $%!@. 2)more advanced technology. the gamecube opens from the top so the little kid using it might touch the lens totaly messing the system over. both xbox and PS2 have trays that open so you cant mess with the inter workings. and cubes mini disks hold less memory than DVDs dumbass. 3)well i dont wacth scoby doo and i own Xbox. 4)OK you are right about nintendo about having more expereince but that is it. 5) Xbox has slightly better spesification? try a hell of alot better. It plaies DVDs CDs has music riping, and a built in hardrive. sorry, but i wont pay 200 bucks for something that only plays games. 6)hey bicth, if it werent for microsoft you wouldn't have windows. are you just a little mac using fag? 7)Cubes controller is horibble. buttons are scambled all over the place, and the z is right next to the r. instead of buttons, the xbox has triggers which are better than buttons. And the PS2 controller is the best ever made so why change it? 8)this isn't a point why gamecube is better dumbass. 9)gamecube is smaller, easily transportable for kids/preteens. 10)Nintendo has more experince with games, microsoft has some but the xbox is great anyway so it really doesn't matter. If you anilize these 10 points above, you will reilize that you are a dumbass. ========== In Reply To ========== Gamecube is the best. 1) it has the best games e.g perfect dark, metroid prime, Mariokart( not babyish most competitive game made.) 2) more advance technology not cd or DVD but Mini DVD exactly the same as DVD but smaller and more compact. 3) Mario games not babyish and i know half you u xbox ps2 people still watch tom and jerry and scooby doo so don't give me that bull$h1t mario is babayish cause its funny and amusing. 4) Nintendo have been making games for almost 20 years. so obviously they have more experience. Also when the atari pong came out it was doing well. then suddenly the more highly advance japanese technology came out and the game and watch and NES came out. the atari pong went down the drain. 5) xbox is slighly beter specification wise so why the hell is it twice as expensive. thats just a scam. They don't give two $h!t$ they just want your money. 6) Gamecube is much more reliable as it is much more ventilated with a better fan. it will last longer. also it is known for its quality as it is made by nintendo. u can't say that Microsoft are reliable. if they are so reliable when ever you use your computer how come the message appears that your computer has performed an illegal operation and the whole computer restarts. imagine if you got so far in a game and then your x box just restarts. 7) Gamecube is better as it has a more comfortable controller. and it has shoulder buttons to that have been improved by makeing the more sensitive the deeper you press them. ps2 has the same controler that has not been improved. 8) i have played on the xbox ps2 and gamecube but i can't tell which one is faster, better or has great graphics. they look the same. 9) Gamecube is also smaller and x box is huge and even larger than my vcr 10) nintendo have dominated the market and they know how to deal with microsoft. so what if they are richer than nintendo. nintendo still have more experience than microsoft and it is so bloody obvious that nintendo are the gods of gaming and will be for ever

if you anylyse the 10 points above you can tell that gamecube has a much better advantage of being successful.

Posted by Just_Another_Guy on 2005-03-13 06:29:42

Wow you are a fcucking s.hitbrain 1) There IS a Mario Kart for Cube 2) Feeding off third-parties and PC remakes is not advanced technology you s.hitbrain 3) Yeah. But I bet you play with Barbie 4) More Experience=Better Quality s.hitbrain 5)GameCube plays DVDs CDs and only costs $99 you s.hitbrain 6)Don't go off subject PC Nerd 7) XBox copied Cube's Controller, so if you complain about Cube's controller then XBox's controller is just the same s.hitbrain 8) Strike 2 for XBox weakling 9) That means it's transportable for anyone s.hitbrain 10) Strike three for the fcucked up little Xbox liking s.hitbrain, he's out.