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User: E-bay


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Posted in Nirvana Vs Rage Against The Machine on 2003-03-14 00:54:35

LOLOLOLOL!!! listen to wake up, you'll see. BTW, Rage is a much better band.

Posted in Greatest Heavy Metal/Hard Rock Band on 2003-03-14 00:30:42

I do not have the following

  1. Enough money

  2. A ride

  3. Plus, my parents would never let me go :(

Posted in Which is better? Xbox? Gamecube? on 2003-01-07 00:46:15

First off i would like to thank you for posting why you like your system beter and giving good reasons. but one thing in your post upset me, the part about DVD players. i'm shure its cool to have one in every room, but alas i am not rich and only have one DVD player in the living room. the Xbox is not in that room, so it doubles as a DVD player. it is a convience to have a extra DVD player cause i cant move the one in the living room. Ok, here is a good list of things why i like the Xbox better

  1. games like Halo, JSRF, Unreal etc

  2. good controller (type S)

  3. Hard Drive

  4. DVD player

  5. CD player

  6. Music ripping

  7. backed by microsoft ========== In Reply To ========== i was stuck between getting an xbox or a gamecube, but the thing that made me decide on the gamecube was the quality of games.

i remember playing games on snes, n64, all those good ol nintendo consoles, and they always stuck. they rarely got boring, and felt well produced. well i had a playstation, it was great, but games werent as nicely put together, and didn't have much appeal after beating them. of course there are exceptions, im just saying in general.

now one thing i wanna get through, is how paople say the gc sucks it has lower specs... the thing is, it uses every one of those specs as well as it could.. it only has a 400 mhz or so proccessor, but the way it interacts and performs makes it very close or above to the performance of the xbox's 800 mhz. also, the gamecube runs many times more polygons, and twice the amount of textures per object... meaning much smoother and beautiful graphics. dont get me wrong, the other two console have great graphics, but the gc's and more fluid and nicer to look at.

another stereotype of the gc is how it has 'kid games'... i admit, it does have kid games, but most of them are so much more fun than your 'mature' games out there... replay, gameplay, everything. the gc also has many older games too, again, of high quality. ive yet to see a truly crappy game for gc. (by the way, Metroid Prime is my FAVORITE game right now... just go play it!).

NO MUSIC? NO DVD? lame. i have a dvd player in each room anyway... and its meant to play dvds! personally i like having seperate machines... they perform better at what they are meant to do. (my opinion, i know). it can be a drag at times... but i can work up the energy to move two more feet to the stereo.

well, i know i will still get flamed, and i tried not to put too much opinion in this. bottom line... if you want a gaming system, a few great quality games, and an all together satisfying experience, get the gc. personally, id rather update my computer anyday instead of getting the xbox or playstation 2.

Posted in Xbox vs. Gamecube on 2003-01-07 00:27:04

you are a biased idiot who doesnt even consider other peoples posts. the guy who posted whoa whoa... gave good reasons why he liked the Xbox better. but you just blew him off. how about you give me a list of good reasons why you like the gamecube better before you totaly emparas yourself. i do whish i had smasm bros for the xbox, but it wont happen. and you seem to think that PS2 has alot of kiddy games like rescue heros and tellitubbies. well, there are no such games like that. See, you post incorect infromation. gamecube has most of the kiddy games, although some of them are very good. and one last thing, stop being so racist.

Posted in Xbox, Gamecube, PS2; The Console Wars on 2002-12-18 22:36:58

Oh, I did'nt spell twice "twise" look whos retarded now. ========== In Reply To ========== you know you americans are very $%!@ed up and retarded most of you can't even spell , you spelled twice "twise" your so $%!@ing retarded