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Nirvana Vs Rage Against The Machine

Nirvana has a bigger impact on music?!

Posted by E-bay on 2003-03-14 00:54:35

LOLOLOLOL!!! listen to wake up, you'll see. BTW, Rage is a much better band.

Posted by DELETE THIS ACCOUNT on 2003-07-28 01:36:55

========== In Reply To ========== LOLOLOLOL!!! listen to wake up, you'll see. BTW, Rage is a much better band.

Rage does have a much stronger impact. Pick up one thier albums and hear the lyrics. This guy knows what Im talking about.

Im a big Rage and Nirvana fan, so this forum was like a magnet for me (it was tough, too, but Rage comes out on top!!!)

Posted by darkstarreysky on 2003-08-12 00:55:57

========== In Reply To ========== No Nirvana had a stronger impact,what that question meant was who had a stronger impact on the world of music,not in there lyrics

Posted by mtv makes me wanna smoke crack on 2005-01-30 16:47:38

best guitarist

kirt cobain wasnt a particualy good guitarist while morello was one of the best how can you say kurt is better