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Would you vote for someone who was an atheist for president?

They Have Already

Posted by U S A on 2011-03-02 17:05:09

The easily fooled masses voted for dictator cringer hussein obowma without knowing what he was.

True, he pretends to be a Christian for political purposes, but favors muslims when he thinks no one is listening.

So does he have faith to any religion?

Is he atheist?

We know he believes in the religion of global warming.

Therefore what is he . . . . you do the math.

Posted by totoro on 2011-03-26 14:07:37

There were absolutely no facts present in the previous post....NONE!

Posted by Neo Persona on 2011-04-15 10:17:34

I wouldn't attempt reasoning with the sort of people who somehow manage to beleive Obama is a muslim, atheist and a "globalwarmingist" simaltaneously.

Posted by U S A on 2011-04-18 21:48:50

"There were absolutely no facts present in the previous post...."totoro

Hmmmmmm................well, lets revisit the previous post.

"The easily fooled masses voted for dictator cringer hussein obowma without knowing what he was."U S A

Well due to the fact interviews and polls taken of voters, the majority of them didn't even know hussein obowma praised a book dedicated to sirhan sirhan, the murderous assassin of Robert F. Kennedy.

hussein obowma's foreign policy rejects the only freedom of religion country in the middle east, and praises the dictatorships.

His rhetoric proves he believes in the global warming -oops- climate change, and cap & trade scams.

(Have you noticed?   The CO2 haters are too embarrassed to say "global warming" now that scam has been exposed.   They now call it climate change.)


Posted by deathislife on 2012-01-06 18:46:26

U S A, you know that Cap & Trade was a REPUBLICAN idea, right? I won't even comment on anything else you said.