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Survey on Abortion


Posted by andy on 2001-01-14 21:54:31

Perhaps you've already written your paper on abortion, that I don't know. However, I do know that if I were writting a paper on abortion, I wouldn't do this poll nonsense. It is obvious (aside from this poll), that this country is split directly down the middle on the subject of abortion (very scary fact). How about this hoss, less than 1% of abortions in America today are related to rape, so don't give me that CAPITALIZATION nonsense. If you believe in the God of the Bible and support abortion (and you obviously do support it), then you need to get your priorities straight. The Bible is Anti-abortion from the very beginning. But if you think that the Bible is just a bunch of poppy$%!@, then you really need to get your priorities straight.Also, not only a friend of mine was a product of rape, but some of God's greatest men were children of raped mothers. Anyway, Good Luck

Posted by Anti-Christian on 2001-04-02 00:41:59

Another Christian nut

This is another reason on why I choose to be an athiest. This Christian nut uses the Bible to justify rape and Anti-abortion excues. His logic is that that God's greatest children were an result of rape. What planet is this person on? This person also says that abortion is resulted of only 1% of rape. He dosen't have any studies to back up his bogus claim.

Posted by Liz on 2001-04-14 03:07:30

This person also says that abortion is resulted of only 1% of rape. He dosen't have any studies to back up his bogus claim.

Where are your studies to disprove his post?

Posted by mtmcgann@37.com on 2001-08-25 19:49:58

well the bible is pro life thou shouldn't kill and a baby in mother is life and second the bible anti-rape.if that person saying the bible is pro-rape then need to read genises.i believe God burn soloma and goromohan cause of rape and other reasons.did you know in abanham time it was legal to kill but adulty was inlegal.i goto go i be back ========== In Reply To ========== This is another reason on why I choose to be an athiest. This Christian nut uses the Bible to justify rape and Anti-abortion excues. His logic is that that God's greatest children were an result of rape. What planet is this person on? This person also says that abortion is resulted of only 1% of rape. He dosen't have any studies to back up his bogus claim.