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User: Liz



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Posted in Experiences with a Child Protective Service Agency on 2002-03-13 12:35:42

Sorry to hear that you suffer from (1) rudeness and (2) attention deficit disorder.

At least you're not color blind. ========== In Reply To ========== I saw how many questions there were, and decided not to bother with them. Impossible to stay awake with so many questions. Good use of colors, though. How do you do that?

Posted in Worst T.V. Shows on 2002-02-11 21:50:50

hi to ne1 reading this~ i just wanted to post a message to say thanks for voting in my pole i think its really nice of you. so pleaz post messages in here~its a fun way to communicate!! luv yas liz :)

Posted in Is America being punished by God? on 2001-11-19 13:34:23

I've no doubt that the far right evangelical extremists had a field day with this poll.

Whether you believe in the existence of a God or not is unimportant. What is important is realising that the common denominator in all wars/conflicts etc is MAN.

I believe in God but in a loving God who is there for all of us if we want Him. I do not believe that He has any part in the current problems relating to September 11th. Man and the fanatical extremist views he preaches is the real culprit.

Do as thou will and harm none would be better. Believe what you want to believe but don't incite violence against others while doing so. Just running such an inflammatory poll may kill or injure somebody and I don't remember God ever saying that it was okay to kill someone in his name.

Get a life and go and look outside your narrow views - you may discover those who desperately need support and help (including some of those minority groups you have mentioned) I don't like the idea of abortion any more than anyone else but then I'm in the very fortunate position of owning my own home, stable married relationship, enough money to support a child. Who knows how I would feel were I not so fortunate. Thou shalt not pass judgment on others. By the way, I presume that having prevented the young pregnant woman from aborting a baby that you'll be there for years afterwards to help her as she struggles to cope with the costs and responsibilities that child brings. That would be truly doing Gods work but somehow I don't think that's on your agenda.

Posted in I spank my children.(What of it?) on 2001-11-06 04:11:05

if you spank your kids go to nospank.org now i am not telling you what to do!but i am trying to make you think!and please do not mean!thanks bob

Posted in Sarah Brightman Poll on 2001-10-16 21:39:00

Half of these questions were more like a quiz about facts than they were a poll about opinions.