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User: Liz


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Posted in Survey on Abortion on 2001-04-14 03:07:30

This person also says that abortion is resulted of only 1% of rape. He dosen't have any studies to back up his bogus claim.

Where are your studies to disprove his post?

Posted in Survey on Abortion on 2001-04-14 03:06:31

I find great offensive that I, as a pro-lifer, am being yoked together with people like James Kopp. Pro-lifers value ALL lives. You can be anti-abortion and be in favor of clinic violence, but pro-lifers value ALL lives. And I denounce clinic violence all over my website! And yes I am objected to fetuses being used for research as well. And I find it kind of laughable that you say we all have screws loose in our heads just because we don't agree with you.

Posted in I Was Spanked Poll on 2000-05-05 23:06:45

when i was younger, and still now even when im 17, my dad still takes down my panties and spanks me on my bare bottom hard. once when i was 16,i rode my bike to my friedns house to go swimming alone without telling him and only leaving a note, he came over to my friends and took me into his van and spanked my wet bottom hard:i'll tell ya, it hurts alot more when its wet. when we got home, he peeled off my wet bikini bottoms and leaned me over his knee and gave me one of the worst spankings of my life. when he was done he made me stand in the corner until he cooled down a bit then took me over his knee and spanked me again. this whole time i only had on my bikini top and my bikini bottoms wrapped around my legs from kicking and screaming. it hurt alot that was my worst spank in my life, well...almost..but i'll tell u the other worst time later.

Posted in Homosexuality: Your Opinion on 2000-04-12 11:24:44

I guess I am kind of in the middle here. I, too, have homosexual friends, but I do have a problem with homosexuality itself, my religion, morals and beliefs go against it. My friends know how I feel about it, but I refrain from judging them because judging also goes against everything I stand for. I won't tell someone I won't be their friend just because they are gay, and as a Christian I am supposed to love everyone, I'll let God do the judging.

========== In Reply To ========== You said it! What kind of ignorant people really think homosexuality = EVIL! Hate is EVIL!!! If you hate anyone than you are EVIL!

Posted in Homosexuality: Your Opinion on 2000-01-14 02:38:15

I took the poll, I'll take practicly any poll unless it's really perverted, weird or has to do with sports. I did create another poll awhile back:


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