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Survey on Abortion

The Pro-life movement is a sham

Posted by Lisa on 2001-04-02 01:00:34

Pro-lifers are hypocrites. These people claim that they value life but they don't. One Pro-life nut, James Kopp shot abortion doctor Barnett Slepian in 1998. I haven't heard any so-called Pro-lifers denounced his murder. In fact, two of them helped James Kopp escape from the law.
There is a website called Pro-life Most of the Time which provides the names and address of abortion doctors. So good Pro-lifers can hunt them down . Pro-lifers are objected to fetus being used for research against diseases.
There are some nuts like Andy who used the Bible for his argument against abortion. He believed that God's greatest children were a product of rape. These Pro-life people remind me of the NRA supporters. Both of them have a screw loose.

Posted by Liz on 2001-04-14 03:06:31

I find great offensive that I, as a pro-lifer, am being yoked together with people like James Kopp. Pro-lifers value ALL lives. You can be anti-abortion and be in favor of clinic violence, but pro-lifers value ALL lives. And I denounce clinic violence all over my website! And yes I am objected to fetuses being used for research as well. And I find it kind of laughable that you say we all have screws loose in our heads just because we don't agree with you.

Posted by Lady Kelia on 2001-09-01 19:46:54

Oh yes? Does that mean you are a fruitatarian that only eats things that don't kill the animal/plant which are most certainly alive? Well actually eating fruit is a lot like forcing a plant to have an abortion. So do you just starve? Better be careful how you word things. You do NOT value ALL lives. Maybe I am just being picky, but it does bug me that Pro-lifers get away with using this phrase. Now I realize that you meant they value human lives, but even that is not completely true either. After the child is born, they don't really seem to give a damn about what happens afterward. There are so many children in the world that are already born and that need our help. Many children go unadopted in those orphanages that pro-lifers seem to advocate all the time... Many children are abused by their parents (most them probably because the parents did not want a child but were not allowed to get an abortion). In a world that is already so overpopulated that we can't pay enough attention to the children that are already actually alive, you want to bring more children into it to suffer the same hardships? It is easy to argue that it is better to alive and suffering than it is to dead without a chance, but i do not think that is true in many cases. Also, You do not seem to care very much about the life of the mother who wants/needs an abortion. Remember that even if it illegal doesn't mean people won't try it if they are desperate enough, and that is very dangerous indeed. ========== In Reply To ========== but pro-lifers value ALL lives

Posted by Xenon on 2001-09-15 04:29:00

It is not true that many children go unadopted in orphanages. Childless couples face long waits when they look for a baby to adopt. Many children in orphanages were put there as older children, not as infants that their parents wanted to give up for adoption from the beginning.

========== In Reply To ========== Oh yes? Does that mean you are a fruitatarian that only eats things that don't kill the animal/plant which are most certainly alive? Well actually eating fruit is a lot like forcing a plant to have an abortion. So do you just starve? Better be careful how you word things. You do NOT value ALL lives. Maybe I am just being picky, but it does bug me that Pro-lifers get away with using this phrase. Now I realize that you meant they value human lives, but even that is not completely true either. After the child is born, they don't really seem to give a damn about what happens afterward. There are so many children in the world that are already born and that need our help. Many children go unadopted in those orphanages that pro-lifers seem to advocate all the time... Many children are abused by their parents (most them probably because the parents did not want a child but were not allowed to get an abortion). In a world that is already so overpopulated that we can't pay enough attention to the children that are already actually alive, you want to bring more children into it to suffer the same hardships? It is easy to argue that it is better to alive and suffering than it is to dead without a chance, but i do not think that is true in many cases. Also, You do not seem to care very much about the life of the mother who wants/needs an abortion. Remember that even if it illegal doesn't mean people won't try it if they are desperate enough, and that is very dangerous indeed.

Posted by Allison on 2001-10-05 16:47:03

Yes, I do believe you're being picky. Just because the person forgot the word human in there you had to be so sarcastic and cynical. Maybe it is horrible that there's a bunch of kids in orphanages, and maybe it is horrible that parents beat their children. There's some horrible people in the world.

But I don't say I'm a Pro-Life person. I'm not pro-life in the sense that everyone thinks. I'm not a lunatic that attacks abortion doctors and bombs clinics. I'm not a hypocrite that says they're against all forms of abortion and then put yes to the final rape question. I am against abortion for one simple belief. Ultimately, God is the creator of this world and He has the exclusive right to bring forth new life. It's horrible that people get raped, but I believe there's a reason for everything, no matter how horrible.

And in all other cases where a woman would want to get an abortion, I don't understand it at all. If you didn't want a baby, maybe you should have been more careful. Maybe you should have read up a little more on the effectiveness of certain types of birth control. Otherwise, face up to the consequences instead of throwing them away like garbage.

I'm going to provide to you the URL to a commentary that was made a few years ago about Dan Quayle's response to a question from Al Gore regarding abortion. I think the person who made this commentary made quite a few good points whether he/she is for or against abortion, sarcastic or sincere. It pretty much voices my beliefs and thoughts better than I ever could.


Peace always,
