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User: Allison



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Posted in I Was Spanked Poll on 2002-03-31 22:08:37

Spanking is not ALWAYS sexual. But it CAN be sexual. Why is that SO hard to accept? Some people are sexually triggered, especially after the age of 12, although sometimes earlier. Not everyone has this unfortunate abusive experience. You can't control whether or not your child will. Why do you think so many people jack off reading these stories? It is sexual to some people. Taking a risk on your child is abusive.

The buttocks and $%!@ are linked via the sciatic nerve. Get a physiology book. Spanking causes orgasm in many adults. Why do you assume that all teens and all children are exempt from this possibility?

Posted in I Was Spanked Poll on 2002-03-30 16:09:52

Absolutely not. He disgusts me, and to be honest, so does your mother for allowing it to happen. I think that your mother is being selfish. She is not standing up for you because she wants the man more than she wants to defend you. Perhaps she is afraid of being a single Mom, of not having enough money or of being alone. It is absolutely unacceptable to allow a man to hit you, especially a man who's not even your father. It grosses me out. Tell your school counsellor. Tell more people who are in a position to intervene. Do you have a friend's family whom you could stay with until this behaviour from him stops? He sounds like a bully. He may not bully you all the time, but he bullies you some of the time, and that is NOT acceptable.

Also, if your real Daddy never hit you, you obviously do not require being hit to learn well. (I don't think anyone does.) He has no right to hit you and you have proven that you can be raised without it. Why can't he use use the approach your real Daddy used. This guy needs to get his act together.

========== In Reply To ========== My mum remarried a few years ago and Bill my step dad smacks me and my sis sometimes when he gets angry with us. I guess when I was 11 I didn't like him doing it because my real daddy never hit me, but I'm 13 now and he's still smacking me across his knee often with my panties off. Mum lets him do it because she says I deserve it but I think I'm too old now and I cry more now than before because I'm so embarrased. Can anyone here tell me if he's got the right to hit me like that?

Posted in I Was Spanked Poll on 2002-03-30 16:01:52

If this is a true story, you should report it. You are being abused. This site is primarily erotica for chickens. They don't admit that it is fantasy. They are getting off on your story.

The John and Lisa story is posted by a teenage girl exploring the sexualization of spanking. Sorry to burst your bubble Lisa. I don't like to pick on teen writers here. You are far more aware than I was as a teen. However, if even one post on this board is legitimate, then I am concerned that it is being lost in a pile of erotica and titilation.

If this is a true story, tell someone you trust. An adult, the counsellor at school, someone outside of your family. There are so many pedophiles on the internet using your story to jerk off. Please be careful whom you tell, but do tell people who can help you.

Take care

========== In Reply To ========== Hi. My younger brother and I to this day still get spankings even though I'm 15 and my brother's 13. I have an elder brother but he's at university now and has left home. When my mum's mad with me, she usually takes me upstairs to my room to be private. She then orders me to lift my skirt or pull down my jeans, then makes me lay across her lap and she pulls my panties tight into the slit of my bottom then spanks me so fast it's like theres no tommorrow. If there was a competition for who gets the most spanks in one second my mum would win it, and she keeps it up for a good couple of minutes until my bum's hot and aching and I'm wriggling to ease the sting. I don't think she still spanks my brother any more as he's bigger than her. She waits til dad comes home and he does it, and sometimes when I'm in more serious trouble he spanks me too. What I hate most is when dad spanks either of us cos it's not done in private. In my case that usually means the slipper over my panties, but twice now in the last year he's made me take my panties right down in front of my brother and smacked me really very hard on the bare bottom until I'm crying. Sometimes I'd like to go and report him for doing that but I think it would all end up bad and he and mum would never forgive me.

Posted in Survey on Abortion on 2001-10-05 16:47:03

Yes, I do believe you're being picky. Just because the person forgot the word human in there you had to be so sarcastic and cynical. Maybe it is horrible that there's a bunch of kids in orphanages, and maybe it is horrible that parents beat their children. There's some horrible people in the world.

But I don't say I'm a Pro-Life person. I'm not pro-life in the sense that everyone thinks. I'm not a lunatic that attacks abortion doctors and bombs clinics. I'm not a hypocrite that says they're against all forms of abortion and then put yes to the final rape question. I am against abortion for one simple belief. Ultimately, God is the creator of this world and He has the exclusive right to bring forth new life. It's horrible that people get raped, but I believe there's a reason for everything, no matter how horrible.

And in all other cases where a woman would want to get an abortion, I don't understand it at all. If you didn't want a baby, maybe you should have been more careful. Maybe you should have read up a little more on the effectiveness of certain types of birth control. Otherwise, face up to the consequences instead of throwing them away like garbage.

I'm going to provide to you the URL to a commentary that was made a few years ago about Dan Quayle's response to a question from Al Gore regarding abortion. I think the person who made this commentary made quite a few good points whether he/she is for or against abortion, sarcastic or sincere. It pretty much voices my beliefs and thoughts better than I ever could.


Peace always,
