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boys who take shoes off in school


Posted by Rachel992017 on 2012-02-06 23:05:07

Im 14 years old,well built and good -looking.I go to a private all-boys school that reqiures uniforms-which,of course,means dress shoes.Its not uncommon for the other boys to kick off their shoes at their desks or even walk around the classroom in their socks.Although my shoes really hurt my feet,Ive never taken them off as Im a shy and reserved person who is uncomfortable about exposing myself.Not long ago,I was going to my 6th period class and my shoes were really hurt my feet.So,I pulled them off before I walked into the classroom and carried them with my books.I admit I was a little nervous about taking them off,but it was such a relief that I was willing to take the chance.I was in the front row of desks wearing black socks,so most of the kids didnt notice.The kids next to me did and they made comments(hey,Richard youre not wearing shoes!).My teacher immedealty saw my feet.She didnt say a word,but she looked at me with this smirk on her face.I was embarrased but simled back.She started to distrubute the day work papers.As she walked over to me,she leaned forward,and with a grin on her face said"them achin feet!"I flashed my socked feet at her and replied"them feet that have been killing me since 3rd period!"My teacher burst out laughing as she walked away.

Posted by Rachel992017 on 2012-02-17 16:57:59

A few days after the story I posted,my feet were killing me in my school shoes again,so this time I pulled them off and carried them with me to my classes.I was wearing brown socks,and the other boys did sort of make fun of me,but it felt so good to have my shoes off that I didnt care.The teacher that I mentioned before saw me walking around in my socks in the hallway.She didnt say a word,but she started grinning and shaking her head.I walked up to her,flashed my feet around and said"them aching feet again"!My teacher laughed as I walked away

Posted by Stevie socks on 2013-12-19 21:14:31

Hi David, I am really glad you started taking your shoes off and enjoy reading your messages. I have the same problem, I find shoes really hurt my feet and would love to go everywhere in my socks, if only I could do it once I know I would love it. Let me know what you think and keep them shoes off.

Posted by Rachel992017 on 2014-01-02 16:21:44

Hi Stevie,what I think is that YOU SHOULD TAKE THE DANG SHOES OFF!From what you say it sounds like your feet are absoultely KILLING you!Obviously,I think you should take off your shoes.But I cant give you more specific advice untill I know more about your situation.What type of school do you go to?What type of shoes do you usually wear?How badly do they hurt your feet?(Be HONEST.Do you feet hurt just a little,alot or are they killing you?Give me a number on a scale of 1-10?)What is your schools attitiude towards student taking their shoes off?What do the other students think abouut it?Get back to me soon!

Posted by soxboy300 on 2014-04-02 22:50:50

Sorry I'm like two months late but I like to take my shoez off in class and I want to walk around the class without them on I was wondering weather you could give me some advice on what to do ???? Please