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Is Killing Snails And Other Creatures Immoral?

Not enough options

Posted by Piricuust on 2012-05-25 10:39:50

I didn't take this quiz because your questions were leaning too far to one side or the other. You left nothing in between. I don't think killing snails is the most evil diabolical thing a person could do, but I don't think that all snails should die and that you should kill them whenever possible either.

Posted by SnkrCrpr on 2012-05-30 04:24:07

Sorry, I tried to make the options not too drastic, but I didn't want to have twenty options for each question. If it matters, when I have descriptions after "Yes" or "No" it is only to clarify what you're saying no to.

Posted by bouncingCow on 2012-08-09 12:43:57

There was one option (Sentient Animals) where you gave no option for those of us that don't like killing any animals, it was either "Yeah, I'd kill them too" or "No, but snails should die"

Personally, I would never kill an animal because I have no right to decide what lives or dies, but for non-sentient animals I might turn the other way if you have a fetish for stuff like that, as long as the crusher isn't causing intense pain (slow torturing) to the animal.

Posted by gmoder12 on 2013-04-11 23:33:11

Saying that snails are not sentient is the biggest load of $%!@ i've ever heard killing an animal or being that is not a threat is one of the most cruel things a person can do. There are a few circumstances when killing them is acceptable, but never pleasure or your own benefit.

Posted by Gillemor on 2014-11-27 01:19:03

As a gardener, I think stepping on slugs and snails is much kinder than putting salt etc on them. Stepping on them gives them instant death and just to say slugs and snails cause a lot of damage to vegetables.