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Posted by Arica on 2002-05-31 04:43:32

ah yes this poll was made by a racist(my opinion soley)MTL the same racist responisible for 9-11,the disrespect of all non terran life forms and satan incarnate. May your left testicle become gangrenous and cause u much pain b4 being healed by an alen doctor and making u rethink your values--u want to go home and become a good person dont u?

Posted by kingbogdan1 on 2002-06-04 20:44:23

========== In Reply To ========== ah yes this poll was made by a racist(my opinion soley)MTL the same racist responisible for 9-11,the disrespect of all non terran life forms and satan incarnate.

* You must be totally blind. You just believe in your mass medias and the bible. This 2 things alone makes people blind so they don't know what is going on around them. *

May your left testicle become gangrenous and cause u much pain b4 being healed by an alen doctor and making u rethink your values--u want to go home and become a good person dont u?

* Get a doctor for yourself. You realy need it. *

Posted by shutupplease on 2006-04-16 10:11:19

This poll is not just anti-Semitic and basically ignorant of things like basic logic and the difference between religion and nationality, it lacks the historical awareness that the Christian faith (which was at least nominally professed by America's founders) also considers Sunday the first day.

Further, it is so obviously biased that it's a very poor poll. If it really matters to you that the calendar change, don't try to argue it with your blatant anti-Semitism.

By the way, there is no such thing as a "Jewish flag." There is an Israeli flag. There are Jews from nations all over the world; and their are non-Jewish Israelis.

By the way, when Americans who descend from other ethnicities, like Italians, Irish, Mexicans, Germans, Japanese, etc. display the flags of those countries, do you consider that they are also upatriotic? Or is it just Jews you have a problem with? I'm not even Jewish, but I'm pretty sick of people who bash them. Don't worry, though; I won't ask you whether you would wave an American flag or a Nazi one.

Posted by Chris Wood on 2012-10-25 16:35:24

We've been saying "weekend" for several centuries now, and I don't give a flying feth how the calendars, diaries, yearbooks etc, display the start of the week. I guess that with the working/school week starting on a Monday, that's how we think of the week nowadays. from a biblical perspective, (according to my roomie), it was St Paul and the early Christians who started to hold their sevices on the first day of the week, which would be a Sunday, seeing as how the traditional Sabbath day, (Saturday), was the seventh or last day of the week. Oh, yeah, don't start waving flags around, that looks too much like Nuremburg in the 30's.