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Little accidents

Dribbling in my knickers

Posted by tammytrickles on 2014-09-05 07:19:20

Jamie and chloe are so sweet. They go everywhere holding hands and he always puts his arm round her when they sit down. He even gives her a little kiss when he thinks nobodys looking. Its so sweet its like their totally in love. Shes slept over twice this week and she gets into jamies bed with him. She wet his bed yesterday but he didnt mind. I just gave them a bath and washed the sheets.

Posted by Knickyshorts on 2014-09-06 17:16:53

Hi Tammy!

Jamie's so lucky! Sometimes I read your messages and I get so jealous over him. I sure wish I'd had a girlfriend like Chole at his age, actually I wish I had a girlfriend now!

You'd sure like me though if you like boys who cry because I cry a lot especially in PE or if I'm playing basketball which is the teasiest game ever! I've actually cried since after I played Alexa now because I cried playing my friend Kyle, he was teasing a lot like he always does and I couldn't help it.

By ther way the girls really did tease me about how I lost and my willy! My cousins do that a lot though, its worst when I'm stopping over like at last weekend and they come downstairs in the morning in their nighties or their little shorts and vests, I only sleep in my T-shirt and pants and if I see them and smell them while their like that my willy usually goes stiff and they tease me about it! I don't know why I'm the oldest one but these three girls can still make me blush and feel embarrassed!

The worst one was Alexa though, she wasn't there last weekend but do you know what she said to Claire after we played netball? She said "I thought my knickers were the stinkiest thing here but I hadn't seen how your cousin played!" That didn't exactly help me build up my confidence!

I kind of wish Alexa was my girlfriend because I'm really hot for her but I guess I didn't impress her very much at netball or tennis so I'm not in with much of a chance!

So did Chloe wear nappies at your sleepover? I'd sure love to know, even if she's Jamie's girlfriend! After all I'm hot for Kyle's girlfriend at the moment too and I'm really jealous of him, he used to be my cousin Tessie's boyfriend and thats how I met him, I was jealous of him back then too because she used to show him her knickers. I don't know why I'm always jealous of all these boys who are younger than me!

Anyway Tammy I really like you, I know I'm always moaning on here but its always great to talk to you and don't worry that your younger than me, after all the boys in my year at school can never take there eyes of the girls your age anyway and I know I sure can't!

Love Nicky xxxxxxxx

Posted by tammytrickles on 2014-09-07 20:53:28

Hi nicky. No chloe didnt wear a nappy for the first two sleepovers and she weed in jamies bed the second time even though i woke her up and took her to the toilet. She was really upset about weeing in the bed but jamie was really sweet about it telling her not to worry. I told her i wee the bed as well and shes not embarrassed any more. She slept over again last night and she wore one this time and I know she wet it cos i saw her taking it off in the morning. We all went on a bike ride today me katie jamie and chloe and we rode miles. Katie borrowed my old bike shorts and chloe had jamies old ones. They have got padded bottoms so its sort of like wearing a nappy and we all just weed ourselves when we needed to go lol. It started when chloe needed to go and we werent near a toilet. She couldnt wait and she didnt want to just pull her pants down and have a wee in the street cos shes a bit too old for that so we told her to just go in her shorts. She was a bit embarrassed when she did it but you couldnt see it cos the padding soaked it up. I needed to go too after a bit so i weed in mine as well. Chloe thought that was really funny and couldnt stop giggling and then jamie decided to do it too. Katie waited for ages cos shes shy about weeing herself in public but she did it too after a while. It was so much better when you dont have to worry about finding toilets. We thought nobody would know cos our shorts were all black and they had padding but we noticed how much we smelled of wee when we went in a shop for drinks. Im sure people knew what we did cos we really stank of wee and our bums were like totally soaked lol. We went back to my house after cos my mum was out and put our shorts in the wash. Jamie and chloe had a bath and me and katie had a shower before she got home so we got away with it lol. Anyway im going to bed now cos im really tired and ive got school tomorrow :( Im not going to the toilet before bed cos im so tired i know im going to wet the bed weather i go or not. Im going to be totally soaked in the morning but i dont care. Night. x

Posted by tammytrickles on 2014-09-08 07:10:34

Morning. I did wet the bed and im totally soaked. I better have a shower before school. Omg school. I dont want to go.

Posted by Knickyshorts on 2014-09-27 09:29:37

Hi Tammy!

Sorry I've not been in touch for so long, I've really missed you! But I've been back at school too, just like you I didn't want to go because its more frustrating and annoying then ever. So sick of girls who tease me and boys who also tease, I'm sure glad this is my last year at school!

Sometimes I've been crying in bed at night when its got really bad and I've thought of you then, actually I think of you quite a lot because I bet your cute as can be with your little school skirt bumping on your cute bum!

So have you been wetting your knickers ar school? And what colour ones do you wear under your school skirt?

I sure wish I'd been in that shop when you and Katie and Chole came in with your soaking wet bike shorts on!

By the way I really thought of you the last time we had gymnastics at school, I needed a wee before the start of the lesson so I had to do it quickly but I got into a massive mess with my leotard (all the boys except me wear there shorts and T-shirts for gymnastics but its kinda a long story!) and I ended up getting a massive wee stain on the front, as my leotard is white everyone could see! It was really embarrassing especially as I smelled a lot too, I don't know why something as embarrassing as that had to happen so close to the start of term!

Anyway I'd love love love to hear from you again soon!

Love Nicky xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx