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School showers

showering at school

Posted by Adam Hunter on 2014-05-20 15:12:00

I always shower after PE. We are not given a choice.And we all do it naked. We are not given a choice about that either.

Some boys show off, some check out the others, but we were all boys 13 and 14 so it was no big deal. For us.We learned all about each other in sixth grade

I know showers have been scrapped in a lot places, but for me,as long as I do PE at school I hope I can shower. I would hate to webwet. sticky and stinking all day

Adam .

Posted by boy in briefs on 2014-05-20 15:34:54

It is like that at my school too.

Our shower is one big room with shower heads in the middle. God help you if you are shy. And at 13+ it is embarrassing if you are the only boy in the class still bald

check out http://www.misterpoll.com/polls/591825


Posted by Luke12 on 2014-05-20 17:06:59

Hi Max,

I will take your poll.

It seemed that even the 13+ boys got over it. Most guys made fun of their high voices in the hallway than made fun of their bodies in the shower. Sometimes this caused late bloomers to be checked out by a doctor for an undescended testicle or hormonal imbalance.

I don't understand why boys change under their towels in the locker room.


Posted by david1999 on 2014-05-27 01:08:25

They don't make us shower at my school and no one except for athletes does. For one thing, they don't really give us enough time to shower and get dressed, and for another, nobody wants other people to see them naked, or to have to look at a bunch of naked guys. Unless you have a really hardcore gym class or some sort of gland problem, you won't work up more sweat than deodorant can take care of.

Posted by Luke12 on 2014-05-27 04:33:09

Hi David,

When you say "no one except for athletes does", do you mean those that tryout for and play on a Varsity, Jr. Varsity or Freshmen teams that practice after school? In that case, how are they introduced to showering. Are they told to do it? Or do they do it following the example of the athletes in the grade ahead of them?

Also have you ever showered outside of school after swimming at a beach or waterpark or after "hardcore exercise" like running, weightlifting, basketball, tennis, or soccer in a men's changing room? Is your gym class Co-ed? What do you do during the period?
