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l got spanked today

Staying in position for a caning

Posted by raven_235 on 2018-01-14 23:13:47


I got caned last weekend. When I was told to come to the living rom I knew why so I just came in a t shirt and panties on. I thought if I showed I was cooperating they might make it nor so bad. I quickly got over the arm of the couch and had the panties pulled off of me.
I was told to I would get 6 and had to count each one. I was also told to not get up or there would be some added. After the fourth one I yelled the F word and after the fifth one I did not count quickly enough and stood up so I got 8 strokes. I would have gladly taken more strokes from the belt or cane. This weekend my punishment was I had to sit at the dinner table and write 500 times "I am being pushed because I lied about drinking alcohol."I had to do it all in one sitting and was not allowed to stop until I had finished. It took 4 1/2/ hours to complete. I have two weeks left of punishments.

I think the first spanking was fair but the four weeks of reminder punishments I think is a but too much.

Posted by JaneAnne on 2018-01-17 16:57:09

Like a lot of young ladies on here Mum uses the cane on my bare bottom. She also used my father's old gym shoe which is cracking up as it has been used many times on myself and my sister. Occasionally she would hand smack our bottoms.

Mum used a wooden clothes brush on my bare bottom last night and she told us our bottoms will be coming in contact with the cane more.

Posted by Diana_D on 2018-01-17 22:10:05


I talked to my cousin about her wish to be caned. She thinks if her mother was still alive she would have caned her a few times during the last 3 years. She is not satisfied with herself and she feels she deserves to fell the cane again. She told me her mother caned her lying on a bed with 2 pillows under her hips. My Mum has decided to cane her on Friday. Mum told me she will decide afterwards in which position I will get the cane in future.


I hope you got good grades.

My Mum has 3 canes now. When the parcel arrived she asked if I wanted to try them right now. I did not want. Mum is stricter with me since I turned 18. The cane is the only punishment I get. So when I do too many small things wrong within a short time I get punished.


Are you male or female? How old are you?


Posted by KateCa on 2018-01-18 10:31:50

Hi Diana / Virginie.

I am going to get the cane tomorrow. My brother had been acting up on Saturday and I got permission to give him the slipper on his bare bottom. I was going on a girls night out and I waited for the girls to arrive before ordering him to take his underpants down and bend over. One of my friends is also going to get the cane off her mother. Mum got us 2 senior boy's canes for Christmas and she said she is going to try one of them. I have pointed out I am not a boy but Mum has taken no notice. She has also said I will be getting 6 strokes of the cane for being up to 10 min after curfew time in future and 12 strokes for being over 10 minutes.

Posted by Rickie4 on 2018-01-18 15:45:22


Good to hear from you again.

I always managed to stay in position for the slipper - the whacks were not too hard.

I do hope that your grades were good and that you and your parents were pleased with them. It would be good if your restrictions were relaxed a bit - may be you can see your boyfriend again and wear trousers!
