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Just Take It! Love

Poll needs better wording and selections

Posted by Skyfox on 2002-06-17 20:10:38

This poll as originally written has a bit of bias in the selectable answers. The question "What would you do if you were in love with a family member?" needs more positive selections for those who are in that situation and are happy with it (the fourth selection is the only one available for those people). It's not for me but hey, to each their own.

The second to fourth question "What would you do if you were in love with an animal?" has no positive selections at all for people who are in love with animals. "I'd get help" implies there is some kind of psychological problem with them. "I'd kill it" is a terrible response to such feelings that really would require psychiatric help. Suspecting being an animal in a past life is a bit out there but still somewhat valid, and the last response makes no sense at all. Being in love with animals, or "zoophilia", may not be common to the mainstream or widely accepted but it is still a valid facet of our diverse human sexuality. Zoophiles may start out thinking there's something wrong with them due to how society raises a person to think that way. But over time they learn to accept themselves for who they are and are happy with their animal mates and the love they share. This question of the poll requires a selection or two to reflect that self-acceptance; I was unable to answer that question because there were no selections like that.

[Before anybody flames me here, I'll state that I am totally opposed to the rape, abuse, exploitation, and killing of animals.]