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gym class (boys only)

message i said i would leave

Posted by Stpatkid on 2014-12-19 08:49:08

Idk maybe you can tell me if you've ever seen an older boy naked like a brother, uncle, cousin or dad or friend. Can you $%!@ yet?

Posted by Alpha11 on 2014-12-19 23:41:02

You dont sound to flubby to me but I guess if you like your body it doesnt really matter :-)

Do you have a drivers license yet? Do you ride a bus to school? Or maybe take a train, that would be cool. I live just s few blocks from my school so I walk unless it is pouring down rain.

It must be cool to have a lake house! Is that on lake Michigan or somewhere else? Do you get to swim a lot? I think the water might be too cold but I don't know. Do you get to skinny dip whenever you want or do you have neighbors? I like to skinny dip when my family goes camping but it has to be at the right campgournd and we get a campsite right by the water and I have to wait until after dark.

Its too bad you didn't like being with a girl that one time :-( I hope you have good luck finding a boyfriend :-) My best friend is really curious about girls and I hope he has fun when he gets a chance. He already told me he won't turn straight on me :P :P :P Do you get to mess around with other guys even if you dont go all the way?

I think hair looks good on guys even if I dont have any myself. My best friend was kind of late starting his, he still only has that pail fuzzy stuff. But I get to see lots of other boys at school where all three grades shower together after swimming. Most of us 6th graders are all smooth and most of the 8th graders have at least some dark hairs but they all look pretty good to me! The older boys in swimming shave their legs for competition. Have you ever tried shaving if you don't like your hair?

Maybe I'm weird but I dont think boys smell bad even when their all sweaty. The locker room after PE is like a cloud of Axe spray so bad it makes me cough sometimes. I wish it just smelled like boys. My mom says I should start using deoderant to "get in the habit" but my dad says I can wait until I start getting pit hairs.

Posted by Alpha11 on 2014-12-20 00:13:14

Boys I have seen naked:

all the boys on the swim team; all the boys on the wrestling team; about half of the boys in my PE class; my best friend (hes almost 14); a lot of my other friends; my brother (he's 15); my dad (hes almost 40); my dads younger brother (he's in college); my cousin (hes 7);

I cant shoot sperms yet :-| I have dry $%!@ and they feel great but it will be cool when I start to squirt even if it means I need to clean up afterwards My best friend says it feels different. Not better, just different.

Do you ever have wet dreams? I asked my dad about them and he said they were still a long ways off for me and that if I $%!@ed a lot I might never have one or not very many.

Do you remember the first time you had a wet $%!@? How old were you? Were you by yourslef? What were you doing?

Posted by GingerBoy on 2014-12-20 01:23:28

I took the polls you said to. They were fun ;-)

Posted by Stpatkid on 2014-12-20 09:02:42

I had wet dreams a lot when I was younger. The first sign of puberty for me was really getting erections all the time. I was very interested in my $%!@. It got bigger and so did my balls. I noticed it felt good to touch it. I don't remember how old I was maybe 12. One night it felt like a really had to pee. It was weird it was like dreaming but I felt it, so I was awake maybe like that half sleep feeling. Anyways I didn't get up and stuff came out. But I woke up and noticed it wasn't pee it was semen. I had those a lot. Not every night but a lot for about a year. I started humping the bed to $%!@. I started jerking off with my hand around 14. Unlike you I didn't jerk off with friends. So that's my experience. the lake house is on a small lake in Wisconsin, but very wooded area so the water isn't too cold. I skinny dip if no girls are around. The summer gets very hot and I love being naked. I do have my license but no car yet I use my dad's if he let's me. I take a bus to school usually. Not a school bus but a city bus. It's not too far. I don't live in the downtown area so I would like a car to get places.