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Corporal Punishment in Christian Schools (USA)

i got my bottom smacked on two continents!

Posted by emily5 on 2015-06-10 15:33:18

I recently left a Christian girls school in the US where CP was common. (I still get it at home, but that's another topic!) You could be sent to the headmistress for the paddle or cane, but mostly it was given on the spot by coaches, teachers, dorm parents. They used gym slipper, strap, or paddle mostly and it could be in front of any other girls in the group. You usually got time in the corner after, on display as a warning and so you could reflect on your sins and repent.

I also spent a year in an affiliate boarding school in SE Asia. It was much stricter, with the cane in daily use as implement of first resort. Since i was one of just a few white girls, there was always special interest in its effects on my Euro-American bottom.