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User: emily5



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Posted in Discipline for adult daughters on 2019-05-24 14:16:18

I agree with you, SSG. Same for me, except i am the same age (22) and get hand, hairbrush, and/or paddle on my bare bottom over mom's knee. But my step-dad is more formal and uses the cane or switch while i bend over the back of the sofa and in the living room. emily.edwards5@aol.com

Posted in l got spanked today on 2017-10-23 15:24:59

Hi Virginie,

I get the birch too as well as the cane and asm also in my early 20s. The cane is my usual punishment and the birch is for special or chronic repeat offenses. The birch looks worse in the way it marks, but I don't think it really hurts any more, especially the early strokes. I find it builds up over time as each stroke covers most of my bottom and maybe even tops of thighs. The cane is like an intense but thin line of fire, like the difference between a tornado and a hurricane! I find the cane is really painful from the first stroke but the pain of a birching builds up. It takes at least six of the birch before it really gets to me like the cane. Maybe the birch you get is different. Is it made of birch twigs tied together at one end? Does it break the skin?

Emily (emily.edwards5@aol.com)

Posted in l got spanked today on 2015-11-20 15:04:49

Hi Jessica, I'm 20 and still get the cane. My minimum went to 12 strokes when I became 18. Never had the slipper though. But I've had plenty of contact with the paddle at school and brush and strap at home. Were the 100 smacks over your mother's knee? I get that with hand or hairbrush as a warmup for the cane, which always follows, plus corner time.


Posted in l got spanked today on 2015-08-15 13:33:58

I don't know how your mother would react to that kind of defiace, especially done while bending over offering her your bare bottom for more of the cane. My mom would have given the extra four AND required me to return for another dose two weeks later. But I completely agree that it's much better to get it all over in one go - 8 strokes is not that bad for one caning that it needs to be split up. And the waiting is awful. Maybe she wants to drag it out, since it's her last crack at you in that position. But if you continue to deserve it, why would she not continue to cane you? I'm only 20 but no-one is talking of sparing the rod any time soon.

Posted in Older Sisters spanking Brothers on 2015-06-25 16:27:06

I have no problem in principle with a girl spanking her younger siblings I've done it myself! But 14 seems very young for such a responsibility, even if she's supervised. Is there not another adult available for this duty - uncle or aunt, grandparents?