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Genital Spanking


Posted by nighttime on 2023-04-06 19:10:33

@annie28: Surely the best way of restraining is with an extra pair of hands? Does your husband not take his turn and help you to smack her? Maybe you have a friend or neighbour who would enjoy both watching and hurting her. Could be quite exciting ... :)

Posted by EthanI on 2023-04-10 05:14:17

Inutially we didn't as felt they should maintain position under their will as shows acceptance of punishment and mental discipline but lately opted for method restraint and can be harsher with the spanking.

Posted by nighttime on 2023-04-11 00:05:18

@Ethan1: How old are the children and are they boy or girl? How do you restrain them? How many people are enforcing the punishment?

Posted by EthanI on 2023-04-11 04:33:27

We used to just hold in position, wife and I but eldest is quite strong now and wife would struggle to hold both legs on the more impactful spanking. So for her we make use of adductor machine we have. That way no kicking legs to risk either of us when giving. So sat on the padded seat just enough weight is used so that can't close legs and use tie also. Very effective but only as we had one for its initial purpose, wasn't acquired purely to hold. Range 9-13 girls
https://workoutlabs.com/exercise-guide/thigh-adductor-inner-thigh-machine/ Sort of like this.