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After Birth Abortions

R/L example

Posted by HeightsMom on 2017-04-22 21:27:00

Most here have probably seen that an 11 y/o girl in Maine has "gone viral" because her school won't let her dress like a $%!@ (spaghetti straps, bare midriff, short shorts, etc.) So the question: rape & corporal punishment; rehab/training; combo of those two; or, just cull her now?

Posted by JennaMom on 2017-04-26 03:07:36

This girl is obviously inviting attention. So I say, give it to her. Allow the teachers, principle, faculty and staff to do as they want with her. I would even let the older high school boys rape her. She should be property of the school, and not go back to her parents. She could be used as a fundraiser for paying customers to enjoy her. And she should be available in the boys locker room after games, etc.

Posted by dirtgirl on 2017-05-07 16:24:06

I'm not really into the capital punishment / "after birth abortion" thing but this girl should certainly be used - and maybe the parents should participate in the process of pimping her out. After all they should involve themselves in both the rape punishment and the after-care (which keeps her penetrable parts in shape).

Posted by analee on 2017-06-14 20:12:43

Wow, I have a different view. If she's dressing like at 11, very inappropriately, then it's the responsibility of the parents. If she disobeys them and dresses that way anyway, they need to punish her severely until she understands. She may not know how dressing like that will be taken - when she's older, she can dress as she likes and deal with the attention as she likes. But not at 11, that is crazy.

If she keeps dressing like this, she has to learn to protect herself and not get into bad situations, because if she does, she will be raped, and that is a punishment enough. There's no need to punish her with rape more than that. She will learn.

I will also say that there's nothing wrong with a teen girl, or a woman, dressing like this and showing off her body if she wants to. That doesnt make her a $%!@ or a rape hole or any other nasty term - but she will have to learn to deal with the attention that this gets her, including from some sadistic and awful guys, and mean and nasty girls.

Posted by Makenzie9151 on 2017-07-27 01:08:08

This is disgusting! We are talking about the life of a child here. It sickens me to know that any of you would even think about put a child through the kinds of sexual torture you are discussing here. What kind of school would do that anyways? The majority of people in the world would never do such a thing to a child. I hope none of you ever have children and may God have mercy on your souls!