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Keeping kids in restraints (harness, bed-restraints...)

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Posted by philrodg on 2016-04-26 20:01:41

Thank you for filling out this poll. It would be grat, if you share more of your experiences about keeping kids in restraints here in this message-area.

Posted by Stanford1969 on 2016-04-28 03:03:10

As some boys approach puberty they might start to take an active interest in restraints. I know I did the first time I was put in a harness at age 11 and I can see that it has a "stimulating effect" on my 12 year old. In many ways it's just a normal reaction. Boys that age can be easily turned on. I'm not saying parents and caregivers should be upset or "freak-out" over it. It's just something that you need to be aware might happen.

Posted by philrodg on 2016-04-28 22:28:18

You are so right. But I think if a boy comes in the age when he can be stimulated, restraints are the best thing to keep him well behaving and not touching at places where you don't want him to touch. Thisfor I recommend using bed restraints. It keeps boys' hands where they should be.

Posted by Stanford1969 on 2016-04-30 03:50:29

I know options on this matter differ. My own feelings are as long as the boys do it in the privacy of their rooms I don't object. That is as long as they're not doing to excess. Both boy are of Scandinavian decent, blond and very fair. If they do it too much the skin on the shafts of their $%!@'s becomes red and irritated. They are punished when it's discovered that they are displaying telltale redness but not otherwise.

By as for night time car drives the older of the two was starting to rub that area when he was half asleep and thus the need for the wrist cuffs. But if you try to stop boys from flapping completely they only become all the more intent on doing it. Often time when a boy knows that he's about to be restrained he'll become erect as a result. I know I did when I was that age.

Posted by philrodg on 2016-04-30 07:23:29

To check the color of the skin on the shafts sounds like a good possibility to monitor their activity. Do you do that often? When do yo do that? And what are the punishments if you discover that they are displaying telltale redness?