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Are your parents as strict as mine?

Having a strict parent who wants to introduce wearing school uniform

Posted by collaredclaire on 2018-02-11 18:57:40

How tight is your top button? How tight do you have to wear your tie?

Posted by collaredclaire on 2018-02-13 00:02:06

Could you take my poll?


Posted by Robin Stone on 2018-08-24 21:45:03

This shows that your mother cares for you very much and wants to protect you. I hope that she will buy you a selection of different school uniforms for you to have to wear. However, they MUST all have a tie, long sleeved blouse, skirt, long socks and a blazer. It is also advisable to have special coats that are considered as school uniform. Old fashioned types of school uniform are still available and can be bought online. A long (below the knee) gymslip should be a must. Also she should buy you a proper mackintosh. By that I mean a mid calf length waterproof coat which is double breasted with a belt. This must always be buttoned to your neck. It should have a hood which you must wear over your head. What I am describing used to be the traditional school regulation gaberdine mackintosh. They are hard to get these days, but M&S had some a year or two ago. But it is possible to get the same style as a rubber mackintosh. I hope that you abide by your mother’s strict rules or she will have no option but to punish you. Many hours sitting at a hard wooden desk writing essays on why you should be a good girl. Of course in times gone by the punishment would have been completed much quicker as you would have a sore bottom! Robin

Posted by Jasonnn03 on 2019-05-29 20:11:46

Well today my top button was tight all day same with our ties as it was parent teacher day so everyone goes strict overboard aha

Posted by Tom1111 on 2020-05-09 20:12:52

My parents make me wear smart clothes at all times. After being in t-shirt and jeans my entire life I'm now forced to always wear at least:

White Long Sleeved Shirt that has to be buttoned up at all times, Tight Necktie or Bowtie, Dress Pants with a tight belt and Dress Shoes.

Of course if my parents want I will also have to put on a blazer, waistcoat or a jumper. Sometimes I have to wear all of that while at home. It often gets hot.

I get random inspections of my clothes during the day and if I don't wear it properly I will get punished by having to write 100 times "I will wear my clothes properly at all times." If I misbehave I will get spanked.

While I don't like how I'm treated, I understand that it is the correct thing to make me behave good.