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When is too old to still have a babysitter?

My son

Posted by thewadzee on 2023-01-20 05:27:17

G. what do they do if you guys are misbehaving? she doesnt spank your dad, does she? i think thats a little too far. also what does your dad do? what do you do for fun with your sisters?

Posted by Tommys_Mom on 2023-01-20 15:23:18

@flexo99. Wow, that's such an interesting arrangement! I know some families a bit like that, where the mom has her daughter watch over the dad to make sure he's ok, and even given some authority over him. But the daughter being the sole head of the household at the age of 11, that's pretty impressive! Though from what you've described I suppose it's not too surprising. I have no trouble believing an 11-year-old girl could be more responsible and capable of handing the finances than a man in his 30s, I know some immature man-children who aren't much more mature than teenage boys. Do your sisters have a physical edge over you and your dad to go with their increased intelligence and maturity? I find that's necessary babysitting older males.

@thewadzee. Hi! I think you missed my last reply, it's on the previous page just before Flexo99's first post.

Posted by Flexo99 on 2023-01-21 13:55:53

@TheWadzee: Yeah, they spank me and my dad when they have to, but they don't have to do it very often these days. They can keep us in line with the threat of normal punishments, like being grounded or sent to bed early or being banned from TV, phone, or laptops.. We're usually good for it's own sake now, Sarah gets so disappointed and gives us the silent treatment when we do something bad and that feels so bad, usually one or both of us end up tearfully apologizing before long. They can also threaten to cut us off from being carried for a period of time, like "no lifts for 3 days!" That's usually enough to get both of us to behave, being carried around us our favorite part. They use the promise of being carried even more than normal as a reward, that gets us to behave as well.

My dad works an office job, every day Sarah rides with him on the bus and drops him off there before continuing on to school. It's mostly women in the office and Sarah made a deal with this college intern to keep an eye on our dad and do any dangerous tasks for him, like lifting any heavy boxes. Sarah's very insistent about that since he injured himself trying to lift something too heavy for him. Sarah picks him up again after work/school and brings him home, one of the rules is that neither of us are allowed to be unsupervised whether it's on the street or at home.

We do all sorts of things for fun. Lots of outdoor stuff in the yard and in the pool, 2 on 2 games and sports, always one girl and one boy on each team or it would be unfair. My favorite games are the ones that involve me being lifted, me and my dad are always begging to play those. Shoulder fights are great, I sit on one of my sister's shoulders and my dad sits on the other sister and we hit each other with those soft floating pool snake things until one of us falls over, we do that in the pool and on the grass as well. Also piggy-back races and things like that. Both my sisters do wrestling and me and my dad love doing that with them, it's always both of us vs one sister and we try to last as long as she can before she has us both pinned, she always goes easy on us so it lasts long enough and we don't get hurt. Both of us are always laughing so hard when we're both in her pin! Indoors we do stuff like board games and video games, and I love watching movies with them on the couch while sitting on one of their laps. I love watching them work out and helping them too. Partially so I can look for a time when they could lift me instead of the weight and get a sneaky extra carry in, when I ask nicely they usually say yes. It's just fun to help them get even stronger too, they're both so muscular already and I'm really proud of them. I'm always bragging to the other guys at school about how strong my little sisters are.

Posted by thewadzee on 2023-01-21 16:11:45

G. @flexo99 have you ever tried both sitting on 1 sisters lap? i did that once and its not too hard but raising the leg with that is very difficult if your sister can do that AND raise her leg then i gotta tip my hat for her. also have you tried sneeking up to them and jumping on them? my brother does that to me. the goal is to get me by surprise so i fall but mostly i just end up carrying him until he is too week to hang on to me.

@tommys mom do you still think he is much less mature than you and do you still carry him? i heard boys generally get stronger after adulthood.

your brother grew up thinking he should be stronger and more mature which is why you had to go so hard on him. but tommy already knows the reality and is almost ready to accept it. thats why i think a more comforting direction is more suited for him but its good to know he softened up to his babysitters. the carrot stick approach is the best approach i agree but some people need more carrot and some need more stick. it appears tommy really is very weak. i understand why he needs supervision at all times. all i can say is good luck i guess

Posted by Flexo99 on 2023-01-23 16:17:58

@thewadzee Yeah we do both those things. Us both sitting on one sister's lap is very common, often one of them goes out and leaves us in the care of the other so we only have one lap to sit on. Sabrina used to make us take turns but now she's gotten a lot stronger and she can take us both no problem. It must look ridiculous, two 6+ foot tall males both putting our weight on a single 7yo girl, but she doesn't feel any discomfort from it. She can lift her leg while we're sitting on it too, I go up and down like a see-saw, it's really fun. Sarah's been able to do that for years. I like jumping on their backs by surprise too, Sabrina used to fall over sometimes but since she bulked up this year that almost never happens. I yell "surprise piggyback" and if Sarah or Sabrina is in a good mood I get to be carried around for a while, otherwise I just get put down. What does your brother or other boys do to get you to carry them more? What strategies work the best? I want ideas for me to try on my sisters,