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Big brother...little brother...

my younger brother

Posted by thomas mclatchy on 2008-04-03 17:47:10

My little brother is my best friend ever, it's great having him around because he's so funny and a hell of a fighter(and for someone 4 years younger than me, that's saying something). My friends like him because he knows and understands some really dirty jokes. We have some after school activities together(fight training and sword fighting mostly), he goes to scouts and was nicknamed scout because of it. We've had some rough fights together, he actually cracked my skull open once and ever since I’d had the hardest time remembering things like his birthday for example, I’d never forget his birthday until he decided to cracked me open (it was an accident and I forgave him). He's quite strong for his age but not very tall(I can put my elbow on his head and lean on him. He REALLY hates that!).