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User: thomas mclatchy



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Posted in Babysitting on 2009-03-19 23:23:40

When I was 16 and my brother was 12, I was ‘meant’ to be looking after some brothers and their little sister. (Matthew, aged about 12, Ryan, aged about 7, and Mellissa, aged about 5) Not long after their parents had gone out, me and the brothers were messing around play wrestling. I had one of them on my shoulders and the other one was trying to rescue his bro when he suddenly decided to pull my jeans down and as I tried to pull them up he pushed me over and soon had them both on me and tickling me. Ryan then decided to take my sneakers, my jeans and my t-shirt and hid them in the house while Matthew kept me there by tickling me. I was in tears of laughter and couldn't do a thing at this point. When Ryan came back he had ducktape and the pair of them ducktaped my arms together and left me there just in my boxers. After about half an hour or so, I managed to get myself free, I couldn't find my clothes anywhere and was I started worrying what would happen if their parents came home early. What they would say when they saw their "little angles" with a teenage boy in just his boxers! With no authority left at all and time getting on I had to agree to kiss their feet and say how great they both were so on hands and knees I swallowed my pride and kissed their feet, then the little bastards just told me that if I wanted my clothes back I had to go into their bedroom! When I got into his room they once again over powered me and dragged me to the floor, Matthew held my arms above my head whilst his brother tied both my hands together behind my back. All of the noise woke up the little sister who where sleeping in the room next door. She came in to see what all the noise was about and was highly amused to see me stripped and humiliated by her brothers. Mellissa wasted no time in joining in the fun. I was dragged by the 3 of them into her room, where my hands where untied, I thought ‘freedom at last!’. Oh how wrong could I be! They then tied my arms to the legs of her bed!!! She then did the unthinkable and pulled my boxers down and off, leaving me naked with 3 sets of young eyes staring at my completely naked helpless body. She proceeded to play with my $%!@ and balls! Twisting, poking, pulling and hitting them whilst the boys tortured the rest of me!! This went on for about a while until Ryan gave me back my clothes. Their parents don't know a thing about this, the only people that do are us five, a fact that they often remind me about! I did baby-sit them a couple of other times and I did see the funny side. Their mom and dad thought I was a great babysitter cause the kids always got excited when I was due to look after them, little did they know they got excited cause they knew they were going to get to set the rules for the night, which was basically more of the same and they knew all they had to do was tickle me. After I stopped looking after them whenever they would see me they would always ask me what boxers I was wearing!

Posted in Wedgie Poll on 2009-03-19 23:20:21

Okay, well first of all, my parents always left me with one of my various cousins in and around Canada. This time round I was left with my 5 older cousins (Josh, Brian, David, Michael and Troy) who get to be in charge of me ALL the time! They all hated me for wearing tighty whities (I was only 11 at the time and my little brother was too young to be left on his own) It really sucked! Well, it was a week after my parents left me there, my cousin’s parents had gone out on a business trip, so my older cousins were left in charge. They come barging in my room I’d been given saying “Hey baby Cus, guess what time it is?” And since I knew what is about to happen, I tried to run away, but they all tackled me to the ground and striped me down to my underwear. Then they went through my suitcase and got out all of my underwear, and force me to put 3 of them on so I‘m wearing 4. Then they took me outside into their back yard, and gave me a hanging wedgie. They laughed and say “I wonder how long it takes until he wets himself!” So one of them goes back inside and gets a stopwatch and they all stand there and time me. If I managed to not wet myself, they said they wouldn't do anything else to me. After about 5 minuets or so I wet myself and they all laughed at me. They then took me down, put in the car, and then they drove me to a nearby store. They bought some diapers, and then they pulled off all my briefs so I’m naked in the store, then they put the diaper on me. And just to make things worse, they then pulled it back down and start spanking my $%!@!!! They called my “A little sissy baby who wears tighty whities and always cries for his momma!” and then they took me back to the car. When we got back to their home, they tried to give me another wedgie in the diaper, but it just ripped. So they flipped me on my stomach and they each spanked me. Then they had me put on about 5 pairs of briefs, and they gave me an atomic wedgie, they somehow managed to get all of them over my head! I started to cry at this point. My cousins just said “Suck it up! We're doing you a favor of making you stronger and teaching you not to wear those stupid, $%!@ed up tighty whities!” They then put a pile in the middle of their back yard and put a rope round my neck like a leech. They tied me to it and told me that is where I would sleep for the night, even if it rained! Then they went in, got me some food and some water in a dish and they went inside for the night. The next morning they woke me up with buckets of cold water. They told me this was the last day, so they had something ‘ extra special’ planned. They give me yet another wedgie, and they said when my underwear ripped they would do the rest, IF they ripped... It took an while and they got impatient, so they just pulled my legs to the ground and held me there. A few pairs of underwear ripped and it hurt like crazy, and I was still hanging there! They laughed, seeing I was starting to cry again. Before they did any thing else, they got me some food and water, and told me to hurry, or else. So I hurried. After I was done, my cousins took me to the hose, and washed me off, saying I was in good need of a wash after my night in the yard. They then put the rest of my underwear on me and drove me to the nearest pool. They took me in the locker room, opened up one of the lockers, and hooked my briefs up inside the locker. Then they put blindfold on me, tied my arms behind me and something on my chest. They then said they were going for a swim! So I was left to just hang there and I couldn’t see a damn thing! A load bunch of people passed and they either laughed, pulled on my legs, spanked me, and slapped me. (I wet myself more because of the stuff that happened and because I had to go really) One person came by, and laughed saying “Your life must suck whoever did this to you!” and he just went away and did nothing! I was so embarassed... A group of guys came by and they all just started laughing. One kid actually dared his friend to suck my $%!@ and He actually did! I couldn’t believe it! My cousins then came back and started kicking me in the balls saying “Kids should never wear tighty whities! Unless they aren't gay!” So then I started getting the feeling that they were gay. While one of them was kicking me in the balls, the rest move away and said that they should do something else to me. All of a sudden, they started peeing on me! I cursed them out, and they just laughed. They pulled on my legs and kicked me in the balls a few more times, then they left me hanging for a while. About half an hour later, my came back came. They just burst out laughing! I got so mad, and started to cry yelling at them, telling them to let me down. They just laughed and started to flick my balls, until they hung out on the side. They then unhooked my wedgie. They then grabbed me by my briefs and started carrying me to the car. They hooked my underwear to the head rest of the seat, and they told me to sit still, or else. When we get home, they carried me by my underwear inside the house. they then tied me to the couch and started watching a really long movie. After the movie was over, took me outside at the front of the house. They got a hammer and some nails and hammered the nails into the waistband. They then tell me that I’m going to sleep there for the night. And then they all go into the house. Well, you can just about imagine how $%!@ed off I am at my cousins... This may sound REALLY fake, and I might think it was fake if I wasn't the one who lived this... But I can assure you this is all true. It happened. The next morning, my cousins woke me up by throwing mud at me. They said it was about 4:40AM. 3 of my cousins were out, they were on dates or out with their friends. They pulled the nail of the wall with the hammer and gave me a regular wedgie, but they pulled it up pretty far. He tells me not to fall, and if i do im going to sleep in a messy hanging wedgie. They then told me to take my tighty whities off. I said that I would be naked and they say “Yeah? And? You got a problem with that?” Well, I didn’t have much of a choice so I took them off. They just laughed and one of them said “Well, I guess you would rather wear no underwear then wear tighty whities.” Then they picked me up and threw me into the closest mud pile they could find, which luckily for me was in the backyard. Then, they told me to roll around in the mud while one of them goes in to get a leash from a friend. I rolled in the mud until he came back and they put the leash on me, and took me to the nearest park! On the way there, I start begging and asking them not to take me there. They just laughed at me said "If you do wore boxers then this wouldn’t happen!” They then took me for a walk me through the park, when I'm still naked, like a dog. I started getting so nervous when they are taking me through really crowded areas, and a lot of the teens and kids there start laughing, even some adults! My cousins then tripped me, and start spanking my $%!@. Some kids even joined along with my cousins…I hated them sooooo MUCH! Soon, they took me back into the car and drove home. They said they might have taken it a little to far by doing that, but they said they weren't sorry. Anyway, when we got home they made me their slave. Then tell me to give them a foot massage each, for at least an hour. And whenever I would stop, they would each give me a wedgie. When I was done, they took me into the bathroom, they all peed in it. Then they told me to pee in the toilet. I had to go anyway so I did and they gave me a swirlie. Then they took me to the living room, and then, 1 of my cousins came home at about 10-11ish. And he said “Hey! Look who's still up? I haven't given you a wedgie all day.... Well, better late then never!” And he came up to me while my cousins are sitting there on top of me and he gives me a wedgie. After that they helped me get cleaned up before their parents were supposed to come home, but they still made me their slave. This wasn't my worse experience with them, and they did things like this all the time to me when my parents left me there. On the day before my parents were to come home, they tied me up and had me say “I am a dumbass for wearing tighty whities, and my cooler, smarter, stronger cousins, who should do whatever they want to me, are the best cousins in the world because they wear boxers, the coolest underwear in the world. And Since I wear tighty whities, I should be given a wedgie from them everyday. I am gay, and I wish I could have sex with my brothers, because I am a retard.” They then took me shopping for briefs so that my parents wouldn't notice the sudden loss of all of them. So my parents arrived to get me, and I acted like nothing had happened until I got home and completely spilled. I told them everything and they said I would never stay there again! I was just surprised my balls weren't destroyed!

Posted in boys embarrassed by girls (15 and younger) on 2009-02-28 00:12:11

Hello! My name's Luke and I am 14 years old. I live with my dad in Vancouver BC. (I'm on my dad's account. Hope he doesn't mind!) I went to this wedding when I was about 8 or 9, I can't really remember. I had this cousin, Samantha (we all called her Sam), who was a little older than myself, 11 or 12 maybe. She had an older brother, David I think, he was about 13 maybe 14 and a lot bigger than I was. Back then I was really physically awkward, I had no upper body strength whatsoever! (until I started taking gym lessons that is;) ) Their mom had just re-married so it was their house the reception was in. I'd go and play games with most of my cousins because I have no siblings to play with. Sam kept following me around and asking me really embarrassing and detailed question about my manhood. I just squirmed and told her to ask her mom or brother, then quickly walked away. Eventually she said she'd never seen a boy naked before, not even her brother. She kept asking if she could see me naked! I told her to leave me alone and walked away from her. She said she'd see me naked before the day was over! I went to go find my dad and stayed with him for a while. Eventually I had to go to the bathroom so I went and then she started knocking on the door while I was peeing. I told her to go away and she said her brother knew how to pick the lock on this door. I quickly finished peeing and was doing up my pants when the lock clicked and the door swung open. All the kids at the reception were standing there. She then got her brother and one of his friends, who was about the same age as he was, to get my pants off. I tried to run but they blocked the door and got me onto the floor. They got them off and saw my underwear! (Tidy whities by the way) They then took them and ran downstairs and out into the backyard saying if I wanted them back I had to follow them. I ran downstairs to get them and everyone there saw my tidy whities! I was so embarrassed! Her mom got so cross with her that she smacked her butt and told her to give them back and to apologize. I got them back and she did. I then stayed with my dad for the rest of the day and refused to talk to anyone except my dad until we went home.

Posted in Who sees you naked? (boys only please) on 2009-02-27 21:23:51

Hello! My name's Luke and I am 14 years old. I live with my dad in Vancouver BC and I have no siblings. (I'm on my dad's account. Hope he doesn't mind!) The people who've seen me naked are My dad (obviously!), All my male cousins, one of my female cousins (long story) and all my male friends in the gym class showers. I don't really care if anybody sees me naked or not. Me and my girlfriend have discussed the idea but my dad said we should only do it when we both believe we're ready for it. My dad's cool, he's like a big brother to me.

Posted in Teenagers on 2009-02-19 16:42:58

Hello! My name's Luke and I am 14 years old. I live with my dad in Vancouver BC. (I'm on my dad's account. Hope he doesn't mind!) My dad's alright actually, he's more like my big brother that my dad, we've really bonded after my mom died. He's cool to talk to about embarrassing things like sex or how to get girlfriends. He's been there and done it and share's it with me. I even got a girlfriend because of his advice! (Sorry girls, I'm taken!) She's called Jennifer and we've been going out for about a year now. We've gone quite far in our relationship but we haven't 'done it' yet. Worst we've done is sleep together! If I do something wrong my dad doesn't hit me or abuse me or anything like that, we sit down and talk about it. The worse punishment he's done is ground me and taken a few of my privileges away.