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Casual Family Nudity

your all dumb and nieve

Posted by kattap321 on 2007-06-18 03:45:36

a lot of you are saying oh yes family nudity is good its great and making it lok like you think every family should walk around nude all the time thats stupid because the girls get raped then I have 3 friends all from diffrent parts of the world that have been raped by their brother or father or both and i have one freidn that was raped by 3 of her cousins the "God created us nude" statment yeah he did but then adam and eve sined and that ruined it all because then rape started.

Posted by Notaperv on 2009-11-04 19:55:03

Most people who are raped are clothed before they are raped. So by your logic, wearing clothes is perverted

Posted by RedhairedAngel on 2010-12-08 21:19:48

I have been a nudist almost all my life (with a brief period where I wasn't), I have never been raped in my life, there is nothing wrong with nudity, end of story

Posted by Dazo on 2012-04-05 22:31:02

Kattap321 lodgic is totaly flawed and Notaperv's logic is totaly correct. Most people who are raped were wearing clothes shortly before their rape and therefor were fully clothed at the point in time the rapist decided to rape them, and by that logic wearing clothes IS perverted.

This fact was not lost on the writers of Star Trek TNG when they introduced the sexist and capitalist race called the Ferengi who were absolutely DISGUSTED with humans when they first met them due to seeing a NONE naked human female. On Ferenganar it is law that no female is allowed to wear any clothes and I quote:-

"You FORCE your females to wear clothes, which forces others to UNCLOTHE them, what PERVERSION!"

By time of DS9 Ferengi were acustomed to seeing none Ferengi females clothed but even Quark was shocked to see his mother clothed and I quote:-

"Moogie, Take thos clothes off at once!"

I have seen programmes BANNED from being shown on TV before the 9pm watershed simply because they have a nude scene in them yet I have seen documentaries shown in the middle of the day where they have shown lots of naked tribes people from primitive societies that have not yet invented the technology to make clothes. The documentary just showing naked natives going about their normal every day lives as acceptable because it is simply their way of life.

To pass it off as saying it is acceptable to see members of primative human cultures naked because they are not civilized, is an insult to them as human beings. They do not kill or rape each other like more advanced societies do.

Posted by Dazo on 2012-04-11 22:53:52

I agree with FunGuy1326, general opinion needs to change.