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Crime Control and Gun Control

My House and Guns

Posted by JustCurious on 2003-07-30 19:07:22

Which of the following do you believe is the most important problem facing our country?
Breakdown of traditional family

Well i wanted to say that was my answer to the first question. I am married and have 2 kids, My wife and I get along great (never cheated and fight rarely mostly over stupid stuff and make up very quickly) WE amke sure to play board games with the kids and have a great family.

I was in the Marine Corp for 4 Years. I left and became a Police officer where i grew up and where i live now. In my house I have an M-4 Carbine Assualt Rifle, a Beratta 9mm Hand Gun, M-1 Guarand rifle, normal hunting rifle for deer and a shot gun. My wife stays home and knows how to use all the guns for defense. I will teach my kids how to shoot when they get older... if it isnt me i would love for a Drill Instructer to teach them to shoot.

Where i live all you need to do to own a gun is to get a permit. It is inforced pretty well, as a cop i can assure you that. Owning a gun does help prevent an attack because f they see a gun they will probaly leave or stop, i dont think you need to shot them unless they continue to attack after you warned them you had the gun. As a cop I only shot when I, an innocent bystander, or partner is in danger. I havent killed anyone as a cop but have as a marine.

Owning a gun is a right you have in this country and I think it should be changed that anyone 18 or older can own any type of gun once they get a permit (to get one you will need to pass some type of test on safety and the type of gun you want to own) That is what you need to do, I dont like all these laws preventing people from owning guns.

Well thanks and great poll

Posted by Dave44 on 2003-12-12 12:05:45

I agree w/ the statement by JustCurious, the ex-Marine Corps cop. I have great respect for him jus knowing what he said in the beginning of his article.

More strict Gun Control laws aren't the answer to our country's crime and violence woes. There hardly is an answer. But taking away a freedom or restricting a right is unconstitutional and jus not right. I'm 19 years old and learned how to shoot when I was 5 years old. My father taught me the consequences for misuse of any firearm. I can't imagine wanting to shoot anyone for any reason except to save the ones I love from danger. My father owns over 85 guns and keeps them either at his business or at home. He carry's a lightweight gun w/ him for protection and my mother carries a small one w/ her. The rules of guns have always stuck in my mind. No matter where we are I follow the same principles my father showed me. I guess what I'm really getting at is, we don't need to take guns away or restrict innocent people from having them. We need to teach early on in our children's lives the principles and rules of guns. Like in the traditional family, the father had the gun for protection of the family. All that is lacking from the picture is the father showing his son how to use it properly and rightfully.

I enjoyed the poll and saw some pretty effective results. I enjoyed it, the opinion of the last guy, and I enjoyed replying. Thanks.

Posted by chucksmom on 2005-01-07 15:06:16

Yup, guns gonna proctect yea from all the baddies out there. Owning a gun must be proof of that, right? Whatever.... don't have to join your gun glorification club tho!

Posted by Lighting on 2005-02-01 15:19:44

Thats a nice collection you got there mate.

I my self have a 22.

My dad has 3 shot guns, a Mosin Nagant, And an old winchester.

I see guns as a leisure activity, and a sorce of protection.

If we instructed people on the use of weapons and gave them good moral backings with those weapons. Then I believe we would be alot safer.

Posted by chucksmom on 2005-05-19 01:53:56

Your morals? Which include lynching "liberals" and anybody else you disagree with?

The morals of hypocrisy?

Gave up your rights w/the Patriot Act No two ways about it.