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Girls Clothing Limits in summer.

My story

Posted by canadiangurl941 on 2016-08-15 16:30:19

Mine isn't as extreme as some of the other stories on here but I thought I'd share it anyway. So I have always hated being barefoot and I would wear socks all the time. I'd sleep with socks and everything. Last year however I had to spend some time with my friend and her parents because my parents would be going away for a month. Their parents had a rule though: no shoes and socks in the summer. When I got to their house I took my shoes off as usual but my friend's mother told me to take my socks off too. At first I said I'm not comfortable without socks but then she said I would not be allowed to stay in her house unless I take them off. So I did, and she told me to put my bag of shoes and socks in the attic. I really hated being barefoot. I remember for the first few nights I just couldn't stand sleeping barefoot and when everyone had gone to bed I would sneak into the attic and grab a pair of socks, and I had set my alarm earlier than everyone else so that I could take them off before being found out. After a few days though, my friend's father found out and he took me outside and said "If you do that one more time we are not letting you come in" even though he knew I would have nowhere to go. That really scared me. For the next month I wore no shoes or socks, I wore flip flops if I went to a store or something with them but that was it, and I wasn't allowed to wear them while in their car either. Eventually my parents came and picked me up and I was allowed to wear socks again, but a weird thing happened: I didn't want to wear them anymore. I really hate socks now, which is kind of funny cause I used to wear them 24/7 but now I cannot fall asleep unless I am without socks, I always take them off when I come inside, even in winter, and I have done this at all my friend's houses as well. I have also done it at school; taking my shoes and socks off and putting them in my locker and wearing flip flops.

Posted by Real Girls Dont Wear Socks on 2016-09-03 08:22:43

Your friends parents had the right idea. Girls should be barefoot inside and only flip flops or sandals outside. It's good to see you started to embrace going barefoot. Did your friends parents punish you for wearing socks to bed?

Posted by awayness on 2016-09-05 19:42:43

That's usually how it works. All you need is a little push to get over your hangups and soon you won't remember how you ever felt any other way. Try it with the rest of your clothes, you won't regret it.

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Posted by tahame on 2020-11-05 10:06:44

Mine isn't as extreme as some of the other stories on here but I thought I'd share it anyway. So I have always hated being barefoot and I would wear socks all the time. I'd sleep with socks and everything. Last year however I had to spend some time with my friend and her parents because my parents would be going away for a month. Their parents had a rule though: no shoes and socks in the summer. joe, joe, joe