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Girls Clothing Limits in summer.

Rules in my household

Posted by zumbler on 2018-11-30 14:38:06

I have browsed this site and I'm glad I'm seeing households similar to mine. I have two stepdaughters ages 19 and 17 and a daughter aged 7. They have strict rules whenever they are inside the house. They must be naked at all times anywhere in the house, and anywhere on our property. Unlike a lot of the others here, I don't restrict what they can wear outside. They are free to wear as little or as much as they want outside. As they are nude indoors I expect them to keep their body hair shaved.

Our home is a nudist home, and we expect our guests to respect that. So any friends that my girls bring over must remove their clothes and be naked whenever they visit.

Posted by KatieJ on 2018-11-30 18:50:53

Zumbler I’m 18 and my parents limit my clothes too. Basically I am expected to be nude and shaved at all times inside home and the garden but also close relatives houses.

I kind of like it though, I am nude right before I leave our porch just like anyone else would take a coat off. Do your step daughters and daughter like your rule?

I do also however have limited choice of footwear. I do not own socks at all and from April until November I am barefoot

Posted by zumbler on 2018-12-01 02:36:08

Hi Katie. It sounds like your family is stricter than mine. I don't require my girls to undress at other people's places unless the hosts insist on it.

I'm glad your enjoying your rules Katie. I believe they are good for the development of healthy girls and young women. My daughter has only known living under these rules. My stepdaughters were hesitant at first, but I didn't give them a choice. They are fine with it now.

So you go barefoot outside as well? Very interesting. Is it just you that has these rules, or do your sisters have these rules too. Also what about for your friends who come over to your place?

Posted by KatieJ on 2018-12-01 08:01:24

Hello Zumbler, yes I go barefoot outside too! I always have gone barefoot Throughout the summer. It’s kind of really good and helps keep my feet healthy. You should try it with your girls.

I’m an only child but I know my mother had similar rules until she left home and my cousin has the same rules too.

When friends come over they are encouraged to follow the house rules but it’s not insisted upon.

Posted by zumbler on 2018-12-02 12:00:22

I must suggest that for my girls this summer. I wonder how it will go.

How often do your friends strip when they visit you, Katie?